Sunday, 22 January 2023

WEEK 3 OF 2023

Sunday is here and I am doing fine going to be another hot one. I opened the house when I got up but by 10.30 I had closed it up to shut the heat out. I also turn the air con much to Tim's annoyance, but why should I have to sit drenched in sweat.

I had a small bowel of fruit for breakie with white chocolate dipping sauce.

A quiet day spent doing bugga all.

Monday again and suppose to be a hot one.

Tim had an appointment about his arm he was told that there is still swelling and the problem with his thumb is due to a tendon problem.

Jess had me ring to find out when Leo's next appointment is. It is 28 March at 11am.

The painter came he will be back tomorrow morning to start work.

Woke up to find the lounge-room a cluttered mess with the furniture pilled in the middle due to the painter coming. They arrived at 7.15 and said they will start on the ceilings. I moved to the bedroom to be out of the way as much as possible.

At midday I went to the loo and had to move to sit outside in the carport till the painters left at 3.30pm. I sat in the wheelchair the whole time. By the time they left I was sweating and in distress.

Tim had to clean bed off so we could use it.

Up at 5.30 washed and fed before the painters arrived at 6.40am I am sitting out the back using the computer.

Sam came down to chat for a bit and get food.

Tim off to more doctors appointments and I am alone, Tasha has gone out and Jess is working.

Sitting out the back I noticed we have no guttering I hope that is fixed soon.

At around midday I managed to get myself to the toilet and then with help from Blain move into an area with my shade as I was in direct sunlight.

Tim rang to check on me, he also asked if I wanted food but I said no I was too drained to eat.

Although I did enjoy sitting outside in the shade. I even got sunburnt a bit on my forearms and chest.

The painting is done and the house has been left in right state. Tim is well and truly pissed off.

Woke to find Tim has done some work in the lounge-room making it able to move about and he set my table up ready for me to use.

Men came to do the gutter both front and back gutters need replacing. Well I noticed them ripping down the neighbours gutter and they replaced the whole of the front gutter over both units. They didn't do the back. When the guy came to inspect the work he wasn't happy as the back wasn't done the neighbours side wasn't suppose to be touched. Now more guttering needs to be order so the back can be done.

Kelli and Freya called in to see us and the state of the house.

Been much cooler today and wet as well. I got sunburnt yesterday so I am keeping that well moisturised.

Friday again and still wet a late start today as I slept in till 6.10am, I woke at 4.30 to pee and Sam was here so he helped me back into bed and the next thing I know it is daylight.

Been raining on and off all day, Tim went and bought new curtains for the bedroom.

Tasha cleaned off my dressing table and with my ok tossed out somethings.

Workmen came to check out where the ramp out the front is to go. That should be the next job.


Up washed and moisturised by 5.45 had toast for breakie again.

My sunburn has settled down looking more tanned then burnt.

Around 11am Cathy Haigh an old school friend turned up for a visit she stayed about a couple of hours.

Turns out Sydney-May's birthday is tomorrow, as it turns out my calendar runs from Monday to Sunday, I usually have them starting on Sunday.


  1. A Reflective sunburn- it must have been HOT.

  2. It good that they could still paint regardless of the heat. Winter cold is finally starting to take hold here.

  3. Painting can be so intrusive to daily living, but I'd rather someone else do it than have to do it ourselves. Right now we're in our Cooler period here in the Arizona Desert and that's when I can get most stuff done. But, it's been very Cold and Wet this Year, so, not so much getting done... dammit. So, doing bugger all is something I can relate to right now.

  4. Happy birthday to Sydney-Mae, the manner in which these workers mess stuff up reminds me of my company's sewers. Wishing we could get a sunburn (or some sun) right now.

  5. Debby..........The sunburn has gone now

    Juli..........Yeah I am glad it is done

    Bohemian........We are having a much cooler summer

    Chris.......Thanks Syd said she had a good


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