Sunday, 21 August 2022

WEEK 33OF 2022


Slept well, up at 5.30am, fending for myself. The other day I started listening to a book while working on the computer.

Kathy and her family called in for a visit, they stayed 45 mins, haven't seen Micheal in ages.

Slept till 6am, at 2am I was feeling light headed so I got up and checked my BGL which was 5.1 so normal. I also took pain relief before returning to bed.

Managed over the day to write one letter, well start it anyway. Also managed to write tomorrows blog post.

Kathy came over and gave me a shower.

Had a decent nights sleep, up at 5.30 when I woke.

I managed to finish the letter and do two more.

Sue called in and gave me an early birthday gift, a bloody good lighter for people like me. I am so thrilled with it.

Slept in till 6am this morning went to ring Tasha from the bathroom but it came up not possible. I discovered that the loungeroom phone was on speaker and not on its base, on hanging it up and hitting the hangup button all was good.

Saw the podiatrist my feet are all nice and nails trimmed.

A very warm day.

Had another good night woke at 6am.

Went to the doctors about my eye, he wants me to see my optometrist to check it out. He also prescribed another lo of anti-viral medication.

Also got a referral to see someone about my knees as Tim is fed up waiting to see someone through the hospital.

Another good night waking at 11.40pm to pee and straight back to bed. I got up at 5.55am.

Received a text from some guy who will be here on Monday to do something about the ramp at the front door.

Started the new medication for the tremor, also started second lot of anti-viral medication. See the optometrist on Saturday morning.

Another good night woke at 5.50am again, I could get used to this.

At 8.15 Tim got up this was a surprised, turned out he thought it was Saturday, discovering it is Friday he went back to bed.

Had a phone call from knee specialist he doesn't see patients without private insurance but will look at referral and they will get back to me.

Tim spoke to Paige from the DoH about a letter we need for insurance claim, also we asked about work on the roof. She said it was decided that we can stay here while the work is being done. But no idea when the work will be done.

Slept in till 6am, woke coughing on and off during the night, will do a RAT test when someone can help me.

My eyes are good but I need dry eye drops for 6 weeks. Me and eye drops are not a good mix, but we will do the best we can.

Kathy came over and showered me, she was on her own.


  1. Your doctors frustrate me as much as your DOH. But, good week overall! I'm on vacation this week so I'll give you some easy to read picture posts starting tomorrow.

  2. Glad you are having better nights. Tough about knee .

  3. Chris..........They frustrate me too

    Diane.........Me too


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