Tuesday, 30 August 2022



Hello everyone here we are at another Tuesday and for the next few weeks Tuesday's will be about extremely tough or tough enough creatures.

We kick off with the Green Sea Turtle, like all turtles they like to eat jellyfish, even box jellyfish one of the worlds deadliest animals. The venom of the box jellyfish doesn't hurt the Green Sea Turtle so they can happily eat one for lunch. Sadly they can mistake a plastic bag for a jellyfish, when they swallow it can get sick and die.

The green turtle is the only sea turtle that is a strict herbivore, and its diet of seagrass and algae may contribute to the green fatty tissue. Similarly to other sea turtles, green turtles are known to travel incredibly long distances during their lifetimes.


  1. That's sad about the plastic bags. That is one thing that burns me...why do we still have them? They took out the thinner plastic bags and made a sturdier plastic bag that we pay for and it takes longer to decompose. Doesn't make any sense to me.

  2. Interesting Jo-Anne and they also live in Coral Reefs I believe.

  3. Debby..........Yes so indeed and we don't need plastic bags


  4. Okay you confused me... how does a strict herbivore eat jellyfish?

  5. Oldest has an obsession with turtles. I myself are freaked out by them. :)

  6. Chris...........Stuffed if I know that bit doesn't compute

    Juli..........Like most creatures I am ok with them just not up front and in person


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