Friday, 1 January 2021

Hello 2021


Hello world, hello 2021, let the year roll on.

I have no resolutions don't see the point, nor do I set goals for the year, again I don't see the point. The reason for this is I know I have zero follow through so why bother.

I take each year as it comes, I always just go with the flow of life. This goes back to when I was a child I can remember being asked by a relative what I wants to do when I grew up and I had no answer all I would say was whatever happened happens and I would handle it when it did.

I remember when I was 16 my Nana asked me what type of boyfriend I wanted again I had no answer as I had no interest in boyfriends at the time. I ended up saying a good man like my dad.

I ended up marring a good man like my dad.

So let 2021 roll on



  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Never have we both made any New Year's Resolutions! WHY?!
    Life will happen anyway its own course and there is little magic for us little humans to give it any direction.
    Wishing you a Happy New Year and hope you can manage all that comes at you...

  2. I don't make resolution too. I too take one step at a time. Happy New Year to you and yours.

  3. That is a very healthy attitude. I try to improve each day in the Lord's eyes, it's enough for me.

  4. I don't start the year with expectations either. I hope you and Tim (love that you still think he's a man as good as your dad) have a happy and healthy year.

  5. Juli.......Same to you


    Mariettr.....WHY? Because there's no pont
    Nancy.......That's the way to go

    Chris.....Thank you

    Karen.....I struck paydirt with Tim


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