Thursday, 7 January 2021

Shocked but not SSurprised

 Hello world, what news to wake to this morning, America looking like some third world country under going a coup what a disgrace.

I wonder what average Americans are thinking and feeling watching this mess play out on their TV screens.

I was shocked but not surprised.


  1. I suppose I'm an average American, and I'm appalled for many reasons. I knew we'd have trouble today, but didn't know it would go so far.


  2. Trump should be removed immediately! He incited all those protestors to head to the capital--got them all worked up with his rally and then left to watch it all on TV! It was an insurrection...a coup attempt...a woman died! He is unfit for office. Personally I've been stressed and appalled for four years and knew if they kept letting him off the hook Trump would get worse and worse. No consequences and he thinks he can do anything he wants...and he wants to be dictator--like Putin.

  3. We are also not spared with negative news such as floods, landslides, increasing number of Covid-19 cases and possible lockdown again. It doesn't seems to be a good beginning for the new year.

  4. I'm Canadian. Living next door to the US, all we've heard about for 4+ years is Trump and his antics, and I don't think there are sufficient words in any language to express what I truly think. Insanity. It's like Trump is a cult leader with his extremist followers, that's the only way I can think of it. I've heard that even a lot of Republicans are appalled.

    Let's hope for better days to come, but they seem to be so divided in that country. :-(

  5. Janie.....Yes I thought so

    Rita......Hell yeah

    Nancy...a..Nope not a great start

    Kea......He is a waste of space person

  6. It's despicable, but apparently this past election has proven that most of us believe this current administration has to go. The sooner the better.

  7. Katie..........Thannks

    Karen.......I agree


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....