Sunday, 19 April 2020

Last Week

I was awake at 6.30 but thought I would have a lay in but I was shaking so much I felt unsettled so after 10 minutes I got up.
Tim is at work, Tasha came down and helped me get breakfast after she gave me a right scare.
I laminated the letter Jess wrote me, so I can keep it safe.
Rode down to post a letter, it is much easier to get in and out of the house.
Mum was ok today.

I woke up at 6.15 when the alarm went off, however, I laid there for another hour before getting up.
Had a couple of the ham, egg & cheese pockets Tasha made yesterday for breakfast.
Kathy rang Tasha to ask for her to dye her hair this resulted in her & Tash having words as well as me which resulted in me having a melt down sobbing into Minga my pink flamingo.
After that Leo rang as his mum was having a melt down must be in the air.
Mum was good this afternoon told her about Kathy's phone call she said that's just Kathy.

I got up at 4am to go to the loo and it was cold, after I got back into bed I snuggled up to Tim for a bit to warm up.
The next thing I knew it was 6am and I was awake so I got up.
Because I am going to ride the scooter down to the post office if Tasha I am wearing a bra and nice clothes and feel so excited
The trip to the post office was great, I enjoyed it.
Told mum about it and she was happy for me being able to go out.
Rang the Dr's about referral and script was told he would ring me tomorrow morning.

Awake with the alarm this morning going to be a warm day.
Thompson's pies came at 5.30am Tasha brought them inside for me.
Jess & Leo came over to get their pie order, it was wonderful to see them, Leo wanted to stay the night but I said no not tonight how about Friday instead. So he will stay over then.
Spoke to mum she was ok, I told her that I had a bad day with my shakes but I am still trying to do stuff even if I cry with frustration.
I had a pie for lunch and Jess had to cut it up for me.

When my alarm went off I got up and had to find my phone because it wasn't next to my bed, it was on Tim's side, where I left it charging last night.
Mum rang late it was after 3pm when she rang but only a short call as she wasn't well with a pain in the stomach.
I managed to get Borrow Box on my tablet which makes listening to my book easier.
I have started taking the rubbish bags out to the bin using the scooter.

I slept in this morning, the alarm went off as normal but I was so tired I just didn't get up till 7.30 am.
Jess & Leo arrived around 11ish he is staying the night and maybe tomorrow night as well, we will see.
Tim went over and dropped of the girls Easter eggs, he left them at the back door.
Mum was ok when we spoke this afternoon.
At last I figured out how to use Borrow Box on my tablet.
Tim at last said his filing system is crap and he needs to sort out his files. I wonder how long that will take before he does it, he said he will do it today.

I woke at 6am for the loo but went back to bed till 7am when I got up. Found Leo already awake, Tim got up at the same time.
Tim went and picked up the shopping, Leo is here for t he day and night again.
Jessica came over to see if Leo wanted to go home, he said no.
Tasha cooked chicken pasta for tea, it was nice.


  1. Hi Jo-Anne - that's great you're using the scooter a lot more. Also glad your mother is managing. Take care and all the best for the coming week - Hilary

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to the Post Office.

    I go everyday. Most days, I am not thrilled about it. :)

  3. Hilary........Yes everyone is glad I am getting out on scooter


    Juli......I will onlly go once a week if that

  4. I am glad too. That was good to read that you are making use of it. I hope you continue to do so.


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