Friday, 3 April 2020

Five things Friday

Here we are at another Friday, so here are this weeks five things...............................

Game of Thrones

Dowton Abby

Orange is the New Black

A Place to Call Home

Love Child

Any idea what these shows have in common.........................

They are shows I HAVE NOT seen, not even for a few minutes


  1. Have no idea as I too haven't seen them all.

  2. I haven't watched any of those shows, either, and haven't even heard of most of them. I *have* seen bits and pieces of "Downton Abbey," but never an actual episode. Everyone raves about "Game of Thrones," but I'm not the slightest bit interested!

    Take care and stay well!

  3. That is another thing we share!

  4. I've seen the first three. :)

  5. Margaret D........I get that

    Kea.......I have no interest in these shows


    Rita......Did you like them

  6. I haven't seen them either. A few I'm actually interested in, but haven't seen them yet.

  7. I've only seen GoT, and I'll admit that I was a mega-fan, having read the first book some twenty years ago, but given how they blew the last two seasons I'll say that you're not missing much. Downton Abbey does look like one I could get into, Orange is the New Black I have no interest, and the last two I haven't heard of because I live in a vacuum when it comes to current movies/shows.


Saudi Arabia

  Ok this week we are looking at Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country in West Asia. Located in the centre of t...