Sunday, 12 April 2020

Just another week

A cold start to the day, my Wii remote wouldn't work, so frustrating.
Tasha walked down to Coles for me, she said it was nice to go for a walk.
My groceries arrived at 5.15pm and I got everything I had ordered, and everything that Jess ordered as well.
Jason came and helped repair Tasha's car he spent a lot of time working on it and it looks good now.

Woke with the alarm couldn't get the Wii Fit to work again, grrrrrrrr
I looked at Tim's roster and thought he had overslept and went and woke him, turns out I was looking at the wrong day.
Mum rang to let me know that she had a fall last night. Dawson heard her yell and rang Aunty Sue & his dad who went straight to mum's to help her. She is sore and bruised but nothing appears broken.

I rode the scooter down to post some letters.

Jessica called over to pick up her shopping she was in and out.

Mum said Dawson found a letter from Jess & Leo in their letterbox and she was real excited about getting them and read them out aloud to me.

She said she will reply to them today.

Awake at 5.50am but laid there till the alarm went off. It was a dark overcast morning. I am not feeling great with indigestion, it got so bad I was found it difficult to concentrate so I went and had a lay down for an hour.
After laying down I felt better, I managed to write 3 letters, which I will post tomorrow.
Mum was sounding better when I spoke to her she said she was still in a lot of pain but still she sounded better.
Tasha made me tea/dinner a bacon & egg muffin.

A better night, I woke with the alarm and got up, I am in a great deal of pain with my left shoulder.
Tasha applied a deep heat pad which has helped a bit.
I rode the scooter down to post some letters, just before it rained.
Mum rang and told me that yesterday at work Sue was assaulted when she knocked on a door and told the woman in the room she had to leave the woman swore at her and threw a vacuum cleaner at her hitting her in the head. The cops were called.
Mum also said that Dr Keyworth rang and spoke to her about the fall she had Sunday night.
He told her again how lucky she was to have children who not only care but will physically be there for her, as most of his elderly patients don't have that.

I was awake and up at 6am, before my alarm again.
Kathy rang and asked me about dad's family, asking me to ask mum about ancestry website, which I did she said she would have a look for dad's password.
Mum rang at 5pm in state about her phone bill, she was having trouble paying it and wanted me to do it. So I did it and she transferred the money to me.
I tried to explain to her that they wouldn't cut, her phone off they cannot do that because of Covid 19.

Good Friday today, I tried to have a lay in but I was awake so got up anyway.
Spoke to mum she was much better this morning.
Had a lay down at 2pm for half an hour..
Mum had her daily bitch about Michelle and the way she is treating Dawson.
Mum said she is very sore and had a moment when she didn't know why she is.

Up at 6.45am as I needed to pee and once out of bed couldn't see the point of going back to bed.
Tim working outside to lay pavers to make it easier for me to get scooter in and out of house.
Gave Blain his Easter eggs and sent Leo's over as well.
The pavers are great I like them a lot, tried them out and found them a big difference.


  1. Hope your Easter is blessed tomorrow. Sandie

  2. Happy Easter! I hope your mom feels better soon. :)

  3. Hi Jo-Anne - so glad your mother is ok; also it sounds like the pavers will make a big difference. Take care and all the best - Hilary

  4. Happy Easter! Fortunately your mom wasn't hurt seriously. Take care and stay safe.

  5. So other than Mum's fall not a terrible week of it. Glad to hear those pavers are in! So sad the comment, but true, about the way we get neglected as we get elderly. Happy Resurrection Sunday to all!

  6. Sandie.....Thanks it was an ok day

    Rita.......Same here

    Hilary......They do

    Nancy.......Thanks she was lucky

    Chris.....It was a pretty good week

    Rick.......I did

  7. I am, of course as you are, concerned about your mum falling so often. Blessings on her always. And very glad too that Tim is fixing it so you can get your scooter in and out more easily. That will be so good for you. Will it go very far in a charge?


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