Sunday, 5 April 2020

A week at mine

I was awake and up at 7am, I got up and dressed. I was up for an hour before Tim got up, he is still in a lot of pain and hobbling around. Hopefully his foot improves during the day.
For some reason my internet isn't working so I turned the modem off and on again, it made no difference.
I ended up rebooting the computer which fixed the problem.
Had a shower and a chat to Kathy on the phone while I dripped dried. It was nice hearing her voice.

Awake at 5.30am went to the loo returned to bed and laid there awake till 6am when I got up.
Tim is home early 1.30pm, he went to see Dr Arun about his foot he said he thinks its gout and told him to take Celebrex for it.
He is complaining it is cold but I am sweating as per usual, not looking forward to winter if I am going to be sweating and he wants the heater on.
Tasha had a minor car accident she backed into something but can't afford to have it repaired. Yes she has insurance but can't afford the $700 excess, so she is going to try and save to have it repaired herself in time.

Up and dressed with the alarm, found my pie order at the front door when I opened up the house this morning.
Tim home by 9am, he has a split shift.
Washed the towels and the sheets off our bed.
Tasha came and took 7 cans of soft drink for Blain.
I have been sweating a lot.

A new day, a new month and still stuck at home.
Dawson's 21st birthday, I sent him a text wishing him happy birthday.
Mum has rang me twice this morning, to have a bitch about things.
Had a lot of chest and upper back pain, took 3 Mylanta tablets which only so so helped.
Jess did some online shopping with Big W.
Jess did a run with Ola, she is hoping to get more work with them.

Up at 6am just after Tim left for work. Around 9ish Jess rang and asked if I could have Leo for the day/night while she tried to get work from Ola. Naturally I said I would.
Tasha went and go bread for me, she also found some white vinegar fro me.
Returned another audio book to the library and borrowed another one. I do like being able to borrow audio books from the library.
Mum was a bit all over the place getting easily distracted.
Tim home around 4.30pm, Leo was so excited to see his Papa.
I wonder if our granddaughters will be excited to see us when next they do see us.

Up and dressed at 6.15 as usual, let Leo sleep till his mother got here. She brought the school's laptop so he could sign in and do some school work.
Tasha went to Charlie this morning for herself and me. She said that the stores were bare and she felt that it was a waste of time going there, she had to walk down to Coles in Warners Bay.
Spoke to Mum she was better more with it today, but still not quite herself.
Jess & Leo left at around 1.30, not sure when I will see her next.

A sleep in this morning I woke up at 7.30am, it's cool and wet/raining and the house was dark.
Another warm day after a dark morning.
Had a 5 way video call between Tim & me and the girls, it was great talking to them.
Came up supper windy around 2pm.
Tim went and got me stamps and envelopes and latter went to Coles for Tasha, who was told that someone she kows is being tested for Covid 19.
She is supper pissed that the person in question. Who has no symptoms has not been in contact with anyone who has it. However, they have a relative who had it and said she had been around them. It is like she wanted the attention.
Now till she hears more she is keeping her distance from me. I need her hands on help every day.


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Sunday already at your location... it is the day Pieter's Mom would have her birthday!
    Yes, our diaries are kind of boring these days with all the restrictions and social distancing.
    Pieter had to pick up his meds today, he run out of one of them. He said that at Walmart there were policemen guarding the one entrance. The other entrance doors got all blocked. A weird time we live in.
    Hope Tim is managing his gout problems well. Certain foods do cause it to flare up. You can check my Pinterest board about : URIC ACID - KEEPING IT AT A HEALTHY LEVEL
    It is tricky and once you understand better what causes this gout (high uric acid levels) then you can change certain habits.
    Hope it will help for your Tim!
    As for me, I can't take any medicine, not even over the counter due to my CKD stage 3. So I must adjust things by diet.
    Let's pray and hope that soon we will know normal times again, without shelves at the stores being empty... Stupid hoarding of people!

  2. Blessed Sunday, Jo-Anne. I don't know what I will do without the internet or my smartphone especially at this time when we are to stay at home. It is fear of total lockdown that drives these people into panic buying.

  3. This situation is really hitting a lot of people like you hard, people like me not so much. You all are in my thoughts.

  4. Mariette.........We are living difficult times

    Nancy.......Same here what would we do without the internet

    Chris.......Yeah it is


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