Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Aussie Day Facts

How is everyone's Wednesday?
Mine has been ok, had to go to the doctors just for a care plan review and my flu shot.
Well here are Aussie Wednesday facts.

The Australian Alps get more snow than the Swiss Alps. …

90% of Australians live on the coast

Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest eco-system in the world

Australia has over 60 separate wine regions.


  1. Did know that about my State having the cleanest air.
    All facts are interesting.

    Haven't had the flu shot as yet, probably early next month now.

  2. I knew none of those things, though it makes sense that most of the population would be in the coastal regions.

    Take care, have a great day!

  3. I have a niece who'd love the wine variety...

  4. Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world - I always think of the cartoon with the Tasmanian devil and his little world wind of dust he takes with him.

  5. Hello Jo-Anne. Everyone is fine here. It rained heavily last night but today is sunny. Interesting facts. I would love to visit Tasmania.

  6. Margaret D .....Glad you liked the facts

    Kea......Outback Aus is a rough place to live


    Chris.......Many do

    Sandie.....Tassie Devil image made me smile

    Miss of widow.....Glad you liked them

    Nancy....It is a great place to visit


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