Monday, 27 February 2017

Pain filled weekend, well it felt like it was

So last night I said to Tim what time do you get home from work tomorrow (today) I am sure as hell he said 2am which I knew wouldn't be right so I said what time do you start the afternoon run, didn't you say you had a split shift, his reply yeah I do I will get home around 10ish and leave again at 1ish and be home again by 4.15pm all this was said in a normal not a problem tone, however, if when I thought he said 2am I had said what or why so late he would have got into a mood about me not listening. Being a woman I use my brain and try and work out what was said and not what I heard, using a little common sense, or ask something else to try and figure out what was said and not just go “what” in a tone that pisses the other person off, which the men in my life do, meaning Tim and Dad and my baby brother Dave those men.

This morning I got pretty mad with Leo over nothing really, after I went off I calmed down and said sorry at first he wouldn't talk to me but by the time we got to his school he was ok and gave me a hug and kiss goodbye. I think it was just because Blain and Leo were playing running around and making a lot of noise and just doing my head in.

Yesterday I was in so much pain it was the lower right hand side of my back, I could barely move due to the pain but I still cooked a full breakfast for the family, however, Tim said he wasn't hungry and ate nothing and Natasha was a no show as is often the case. I was in so much pain that I threw the washing in the dryer instead of hanging it out on the line at one point Tim said why you got he dryer on when its not raining any more, I had to remind him that I was in a lot of pain and could hardly moved also said to him how often do I use the dryer over the clothes line, not very often that is how often and if he had been home I would have asked him to hang the clothes out but he wasn't home he was out at Kathy's place.

Anyway because I was in so much pain and could hardly move he said I was acting older then I was, yeah I was in a lot of pain back pain isn't nice and if he had a lot of pain he would act the same.


  1. I know how horrible that is. I've never had back pain before but a few weeks ago I did for 2 days. Every time I moved I cringed, it's no way to live.

    1. No it's not I am doing better yesterday and today but not 100% yet

  2. When I miss something like that, I tend to make a joke of it. Tim would prolly get mad at me too.

  3. Sounds likeee a crummy week. :(

  4. Sorry. "like". I still can't see well--LOL!

    1. Until you mentioned the typo I hadn't noticed it............101

  5. Ow, back pain is the worst. I hope it's better now. I probably would've asked my hubby to throw the laundry in the dryer for me. Meh, who am I kidding? He's the one who does the laundry. I do the cooking. hahaha Feel better soon, Jo-Anne and get some rest!

  6. So sorry that you are having back pain. Hope you are feeling better as I am so late reading posts from last week.


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