Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Photo Wednesday.............Sandra's Family

Well it is now Wednesday again and its a warm wet Wednesday as well after two days so hot one felt like they were melting while outside, in fact yesterday around 11am I was walking inside the house after having to go to Leo's school he was out of medication and noticed the clock that sits outside on the table it has a thermometer in it and it read 53°c that was of course in the sun but still can you  imagine how people who had to work out in the sun coped yesterday.

Anyway moving on this week I am sharing a collage of Sandra's family, Sandra is my third sister she is 15 years younger then me. 


  1. I'm amazed by people who work outside during the heat and humidity of a Florida summer.


    1. Yes how they do it without suffering from heatstroke is beyond me

  2. Here in West Texas where I live it is not at all uncommon for the temp to be over 100F on summer days, hot enough to feel like you stuck your head in the oven. It makes me feel sick so I tend to stay inside and hope I don't have to get into a hot baking car in midday. I can't imagine having to work outside like construction people and street repairman!

    I too love your family collages. How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in the lineup?

    1. I am the oldest of 5 children so have 3 sisters and 1 brother.

      Yes those poor people who have to work in the heat, I don't know how they cope

  3. Lovely photos Jo-Anne - well that was rather hot - too hot at 53 deg C

  4. I climbed poles for the phone company when I was younger. There were days it was brutal.

    1. Yes such a job would be brutal when it was stinking bloody hot

  5. I can't wait for it to get hot here! Such wonderful photos.

    1. I am looking forward to not such hot days and thank you

  6. I love learning about friend's family.

  7. I, too am amazed at how people are capable of working outdoors in the extreme heat. I can hardly bare it anymore.


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