Thursday, 2 February 2017

Heard while watching Sunrise

On Sunrise this morning there was a lot of talk about the Melbourne police trying to move on some homeless people if you just saw the story you would think, talk about heavy handed and no compassion for the homeless because some of the news reports only showed the pictures and didn't explain that first most of the protesters are not homeless but are people who turn up to protest anything and everything. Also not mentioned on some reports is that all the homeless have been offered accommodation and those being forced to move on refused the accommodation and then we also need to remember the police officers assaulted during the operation.

I get annoyed when some reporters only report part of the facts and make things out to be worse then they are, I don't watch much in the way of news reports as you can see the same story on three different channels and get three different set of facts and you have to figure out what is the truth.

Seems there is a new skin patch that tells you if you are getting sunburnt it is still in the early stages and not widely available but it sounds like a great idea, if it helps prevent sunburn.

There is a new drug available for those like myself that have type 2 diabetes as it lowers sugar levels and helps if you have heart problems, sounds like it is a good thing, but I forgot to jot down the name of the drug.

Another non news story was about Beyonce is having twins, so interesting for some but not for me, I really don't care.

Yesterday there was the story of the man who threw his 7 month old baby out of a window because of a fire, this happened in Blacktown the baby girl was thrown from the window her parents were woken by thick smoke filling their second-floor unit and made a desperate decision to throw baby Nevaeh Rose out the window to waiting neighbours who caught the baby with a blanket. Nevaeh is Heaven spelt backwards.

One of her rescuers, Tony Finn, has insisted he is not a hero and said "it’s just something anyone would do in that time of crisis".
"We used the blanket to catch her when they chucked her down for us," he said.
"[We] caught her like a football – pretty much just arms out and pulled her back in."


  1. Weird about the news, saw that about the homeless on our news. Also heard some of the people come from the country and pretend they are homeless which is bad for those that really are.
    Also heard about the new drug on news...

    Thank goodness the baby was safe..could have been worse.

    1. Yes I don't know if I would be able to throw my baby out of a window hoping strangers would catch her.

      Oh yeah I don't get whey people would pretend to be homeless

  2. We are also having difficulty trusting news reports, we really don't know what is truth and what is lies anymore. There is a lot of distortion and cover ups about many things. That is great news that the baby is safe. Hope no one is hurt from the fire.

    1. No one was hurt in the fire, sometimes I wonder if some reporters just make up stuff because they don't know the truth

  3. That is so true about the news showing videos without context so the stories become very one-sided. I get tired of people protesting about every little perceived injustice. I understand there are REAL problems that need people to take a stand but not everything requires it.

    Neat story about the baby being saved. Thankfully someone was there to catch it. It could of been tragic if the parents couldn't of gotten the baby out of the fire.

    1. Yeah last year there was a news report about a man who died at Woodrising a suburb on the other side of the lake, the report said he was found unconscious at the local shopping centre, Tim was there, he wasn't unconscious he was dead before the ambos turned up so that wasn't a truthful story.

  4. Gee, I thought only the USA had fake news. LOL.

  5. The world is a crazy place right nowadays.

  6. You really have to trust your neighbors to catch your baby. That is a crazy decision to make.

  7. I don't read our local paper nor watch the local news because it infuriates me when they don't tell a whole story. I watch national news only, they do a better job of it.

    1. I understand your frustration with the news reports

  8. I could have written a lot of this myself! I feel the same exact way about the biased news, non-reposing, sensationalism for its own sake...the internet news is bad..the TV news is bad. I quit watching (sincerely, I did) ten years ago. You're right. Fake news is everywhere and you don't always know what is and what isn't. Another reason I don't bother.

    1. Yep I get all that also when some big thing happens the news reports flog it to death


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