Friday, 10 February 2017

Port Macquarie Day 1

Hello everyone I am writing this from Port Macquarie where Tim and I am for three nights we will go home on Sunday. Have to tell you it is stinking bloody hot here and we still do not have air conditioning in the van we have a fan that is blowing hot air around.

I have already had a mishap I burnt my thumb and index finger on my left hand, how you wonder well Tim had his soldering iron plugged in and I didn't know he had plugged it in and thus when I went to open the toaster oven to get my pizza out I touched the hot part and burnt my fingers. I quickly placed my fingers under running water and the people in the van behind us gave Tim some burn cream for me to use. It did help and after about half an hour my fingers stopped hurting.

I brought my Wi Fi device and you know what it isn't working after trying and failing Jessica got onto Telstra who told her that because it hasn't been used in about a year or more it may have been deactivated and to go get a new sim card for it and see if that works so I will do that tomorrow.

The caravan park has Wi Fi that you have to pay for it is $6 for and hour or 200mb whichever comes first, so if I can't get the device to work tomorrow I will pay the $6 so I can connect with everyone.

This caravan park is a nice one it is the Aquatic park on Hastings River Drive just up from the place we stayed last time we were here but I like the look of this park better the showers are larger and look cleaner.

I have had a headache since around 10am which is why I slept for an hour an a half on the way here, when I mentioned to Tim that I am feeling drained and tired he said but you slept on the way here and I had to explain that I had a headache and still have a headache. I think being so hot is part of the reason I have a headache.

At least this afternoon we have had a tv reception we are using a small $2 aerial which works better then the dearer aerial we first bought.


  1. Caravan life! Different Jo-Anne.
    Wi-fi at caravan parks is sometimes a joke, they offer free and have to pay to access it. Found only a few along our trip last year that was good.

    1. Yeah and often the free Wifi sucks which I took my own device, only to have it not work

  2. Hope your finger heals nicely- sucks to kick off a weekend like that.


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