Sunday, 5 February 2017

Saturday and Sunday

It is Saturday night and I am writing this on my tablet while I wait for Tim to get out of the shower so we can watch something on telly.

What a day after taking Leo home Tim and I went and bought new summer sheets for the bed in the van. We then went and changed the sheets before heading over to Kathy's place to pick up whipper snipper but Kathy hadn't used it so after a short visit we left. We stopped at Bunning's and Tim got mouse traps and then we went to the Eastern Tiger for lunch.

Now it is raining and we had a bit of a storm.

I was able to have a nap which was good, don't have time for a nap Monday to Friday.

It is now Sunday and I am back to finish this up, Tim has gone to work for so I am home alone for a while, Natasha rang and asked me if  I would watch Blain for an hour or so,  I said I would but only for an hour or so as I don't want to have a child here all day.

It is another hot day here, yesterday was hot as well and of course yesterday I had long pants on as before we left I went in and changed out of my shorts, not sure why I changed out of my shorts I would normal just wear the shorts as it turned out it was a good thing I did change as Tim wanted to stop and have lunch and I wouldn't want to do that if I had been wearing shorts.

This morning I spent 50 minutes exercising using my Wii Fit so I am happy that I doing a longer workout, yesterday it was 45 minutes I have made sure to tell Tim how long I am working out so he can stop thinking I am doing nothing at all. 


  1. a shower here today, wasn't real warm outside but ok in.

    1. This Monday morning its nice with the doors open and the breeze coming through

  2. Good for you doing the exercise.

  3. There is a chilly rain falling here this Sunday morning. We'd planned to run to COSTCO for some groceries later but not sure we'll head out in the rain...I melt :)

    1. I don't like going out in wet weather the wetter it is the more I want to stay inn

  4. Just keep a log book on your exercise. It'll prove to Tim and motivate you. At least it does me and Scrappy. Hois next walk will put him over 100 miles since the start of November.

  5. A good weekend for you! It's fun to sneak in a nap now and then. Good job on the exercising too! :-)


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