Sunday, 23 April 2023

WEEK 16 OF 2023

Well it is Sunday and we are suppose to have a pretty warm day.

Blain brought down some laundry to dried in the dryer. As not a drying type day.

Yes the day turned out warmish.

Monday here again I was up at 5am as per usual and not so cold but a long way from warm.

Tim has gone to pick up our scripts but when I rang about a script they didn't have it so I rang Tasha and she reminded me that the doctor too me off it.

Sandra had old video tapes of dad's converted to a flash drive turns out some of them were why did I bother tapes the last one was better.

She was also telling me that Dawson is yet again having issues with his mother and said to Sandy that he wishes his Nan was still alive this made both me and Sandy cry.

Dawson doesn't show emotion due to his autism.

Tasha is super stressed today.

Slept in till 5.20 this morning woke to a bloody cold morning.

The shopping arrived at 7.40am the delivery guy was asking abut Jessica as in what type of work was she now doing. He said when he delivered to Jess recently Sam was acting strange, I explained he is into this non-binary crap at the moment. I don't get it and hope it is a passing fad.

Jessica came to get stuff I printed for her but I didn't print everything and she got into a mood and found and printed what she needed.

Tim has rehab this afternoon

Another cold start to the day, Tim has asked to be woken at 8.30am so he is up when the cleaners arrive. Of course they didn't turn up till 10am.

Spoke to Kathy as I do each morning but for some reason this morning I cannot remember what we talked about.

A cool day spent doing bugga all, did answer a letter and have started on another one to a new penpal.

Been awake more or less since 4am dosed on and off till I got up at 4.55am. I had a lot of pain in my left knee on and off all night and I still have it, the knee stinging and paracetamol does bugga all.

Tasha brought down some paperwork she needed scanned and transferred to a USB for her course.

It has been raining all day and also pretty damn cold.

The pain in my knee has eased.


Up early at 4.40am and found Tim already up in the loungeroom he was woken with pain. My knee is very painful this morning again.

Saw Sam when he came over looking for food, he heated and ate a cheese pie then left.

Sandy came over to see me and take me to visit Mum & Dad although the ground was so wet I was unable to get out of the car.

Also drove past the old house which looks so different as they have moved the front door. We also drove to where Sandy lives now.

I will put myself to bed tonight, I don't need help as much as I like seeing my girls which is why I get their help.

Slept in till 5.20am straight up and washed and dressed ready for the day. It s supposes to be a cool cloudy day.

No rain but not a clothes drying day so used the dryer.

Kathy came out and vacuumed and helped her dad with a shower, no he wasn't naked he wore shorts.


  1. Is this a first for you? Because I often talk to people, then forget what we talked about. Maybe I should ask them to be more interesting?

  2. Karen.......No not new but frustrating when it happens


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...