Sunday, 4 September 2022

WEEK 36 OF 2022


Slept well till 3am the next 2.5hrs I was restless and got up at 5.30ish. Tim up at 6.15 to go to work I hope it is a good day for him.

Had to get Tasha to come and put drops in my eye.

A lazy day spent home alone, will have to get myself ready for bed.

Tim has decided to see a counsellor and our GP about his mental health.

A new day and I managed to piss Tasha off as she was going on about getting Webster packs for our medications. I feel it is an expense we can do without.

A good day managed to do a few little things and I feel good and my eye is looking more like it should.

Had a phone call from the guy who is doing the bathroom renovations he said workmen will be here on either Monday or Tuesday next week. The hold up is the demolition guys.

What a morning had a struggle to get my pants on took me half a bloody hour to get them on. I then came out to the lounge room to find Jess's quilt hang over my armchair which pissed me off because I was already in a mood.

My mood improved as the morning progressed.

The pain in my left knee has flared up again.

Had a good night awake and up at 5.45am, Kathy rang at 6.15am she was having a bitch about another mouse in her house.

Sandy came and took me out to see Mum & Dad and then we drove to Redhead beach to just look at the ocean. On the way home she stopped and bought me a caramel slice, which was yummy. Also called in and saw Dave.

Tim saw our GP and is now off work for 2 weeks on stress leave.

He also has appointment with a counsellor, I will find out more about that tomorrow.

I was up at 5.25 this morning needed to pee and couldn't see the point in going back to bed.

Tim didn't go to bed till 4am I suspect he fell asleep on the lounge.

Tim has decided to start another veggie patch and it seems to perk him up a bit.

It's Friday and for me it is just another day of struggle. I woke at 4am shaking and after 1.5hrs of that I got up and now I am washed, dressed and fed ready for another day doing bugga all.

I am fed up with my body,if it isn't one thing it's something else.

Tim went to Coles to get a few things he wanted as he said what I order online is stuff I want although he knows to put anything he wants on the shopping list and I will order it.

Woke to the sound of rain at 5.30 but managed to dose on and off till 6.30 when I got up. I had to call Tim to help me get my pants on as my feet got stuck and I wasn't going to spend ages struggling with them.

Kathy came and showered me and vacuumed out for me. Tim told me that late yesterday arvo 2 people turned up to check where to place the portable shower and loo. They decided that it will need to go across from the house behind Jess's car. How the hell am I going to be able to use it. Delivery will be Monday

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