Wednesday 13 July 2022



Count On Me, My Friend

©  More By Joydip Dutt

Published: October 6, 2021

When the world weighs you down
When unfavorable situations make you frown
Count on me, my friend

When the world gives you trouble
When your agonies seem to have doubled
Count on me, my friend

When everything around is a mess
When you can't handle so much stress
Count on me, my friend

When everything seems to fall apart
When someone has broken your heart
Count on me, my friend

When you need someone to hug you tight
When you need someone to say, "Everything will be all right,"
Count on me, my friend



  1. That’s a positive upbeat poem and encouraging for those times when life has knocked us around.



Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...