Thursday, 14 April 2022



Another chap I have read about is Phillip (Peter) Schuler, heard of him? Nope, me either,till now. The book was titled Phillip Schuler by Mark Baker.

Phillip Frederick Edward Schuler was an Australian journalist, a war correspondent at the Gallipoli campaign. He later joined the army, was wounded in action, and died in France.

Four journalists played leading roles in forming the indelible legend of Gallipoli in the minds of Australians. Yet it was the one who remains least known today – Phillip Schuler – whose part was the most immediately profound.

He volunteered to write reports and take photographs for the newspaper during the Gallipoli campaign. He documented – with evocative accounts and remarkable photography – the entire experience. Less subject to censorship than official correspondent C.E.W. Bean, he exposed flaws in the campaign, particularly the scandal of British treatment of wounded. Historian Les Carlyon considered him “a much better writer from a newspaper point of view than Bean.”

He later enlisted in the AIF, and died on the Western Front in 1917, aged 27.


  1. I am a big student of the Great War, and while I can't say for certain I know him, the name and situation does ring a bell...

  2. Interesting reading, I like to read history.

  3. I haven’t heard of him but my husband who is a military history buff did. Interesting

  4. Chris............I also have a interest in the Great War been reading a lot of books on it lately.

    Kathy.......Me too

    Debby.......How cool

    Nancy.......That he was


Iraq National Anthem

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