Sunday, 8 August 2021


 Had a decent nights sleep, was awake and up at 5.30am.

Tim & Leo went over to Kathy's and picked up the desk for Leo's room and outdoor set for out the front.

Ed's birthday sent him a text.

Leo is happy with his room.


August has arrived, I woke up in a mood couldn't get the front screen door open because I thought it was locked but it wasn't. I got Tim out of bed for nothing.

Saw Kelli and kids when she brought Blain home. She helped Tasha do the medications.

Tasha called the after hours Dr to Jess as she was really sick, turns out she has tonsillitis. Leo slept here last night and has been here all day.


A new day, has started yet again as it does each day, when I wake each morning I am thankful that I have woken.

Another warm day, Tim back at work after his week off.


I woke at 4.45 needing to pee, after that I couldn't settle so been up since 5am.

The Census information arrived for me to do it online between now and the 10th. Tim has a problem with the census, always had and I don't understand what his problem is.

He also has a problem with QR codes which I don't get.

Just walked to the bathroom without my walker which meant I was walking/shuffling fast when I got to the bathroom something happened, it felt like a foot got stuck and didn't move causing me to stumble forward hitting the bathroom sink hurting my left arm somehow. I also broke a glass that was sitting on the table under the sink.

I was distressed crying mostly from fright more then pain.


Awake and up at 5am, after yesterday's stumble both Tasha & I forgot about applying cream to my knees for the arthritis, this resulted in knee pain this morning.

I decided to refill my body lotiion jar but even though I checked thr bottle, I poured body wash into the jar. So I had to transfer it to a different container as pouring back into the bottle it came out of would be too hard.

I then had to wash out the body lotion jar, before I could use it.


Another early start up at 5.40am, Kathy rang at 7am to let me know she had been contacted by Hunter Health as she was shopping a store that is now a Covid 19 spot. They have to all be tested and self isolate for 7 days or till they get 2 negative tests.

Newcastle and Lake Macquarie are now in lockdows well from 5pm we will be.

Leo & Blain's schools are going to online learning.

Someone came to fix the screen doors locks, the front one was easy, the back not. In fact he had to get someone else to come as he couldn't get the old lock out. The new guy will arrive after I go lay down, so Tasha will deal with him.


Awake and up at 5.50am, had a hot shower before getting dressed.

Both screen doors are now fixed.

Leo slept till midday, so no school work for him today, same for Blain. Although Blain needs a laptop from the school if he is to do work online, as they do not have a computer at this stage. Leo also brought a laptop home from school so he can log in each day. Although Leo doesn't do work online he will have paperwork that Jess will pick up on Monday.

Neither boy handles online working, they get confused and frustrated easy.

Tasha went to get my scrips and our chemist was closed for deep cleaning. They had an infected person in the store during the week. She had to ring and pay for the scripts and arrange for them to be delivered.


Awake and up at 5.15 took me ages to get dressed and ready for the day.

Kathy rang just to check in, while on the phone to Kathy, Sandra rang to let me know ,that at last GE has wiped Mum's debt to them.

Leo here all day while Jess goes for her white card.



  1. I'm glad you weren't hurt too badly from the stumble. Maybe use your walker. Sonya's boys find home schooling difficult too ao does Sonya trying to work from home and helping with schooling at the same time.

  2. You certainly wake up early Jo-Anne, never do I wake up those times would have to put the alarm on to wake me..
    Be careful there.
    Take care.

  3. Online school can be good for some kids and not so good for others. I personally would have thrived if school was online and at home. I hated school as a kid. Some kids are social and some need to be more hands-on. It's a difficult time for school-aged children these days.
    Take care of yourself Jo-anne. No more falls

  4. I'm sorry you're getting the lockdown again, kind of surprised we haven't. The governor has kicked it back to the cities, and Mayor Tom has an election coming up. I know you aren't involved in our politics, and I am increasingly out of it too, but it is somewhat amusing that our company has 3 plants, mine and two in democrat states and they are having COVID problems and we are not...

  5. Diane B.........I know I should and tell myself that often, online learning isn't for everyone

    Margaret D.....Yes I do

    Debby......Yes some love it others don't

    Chris........This is our second lockdown

  6. One of my best friends had the same thing happen to her regarding the foot. She struggled a lot with it, I don;t think she ever told me what the diagnosis is.

  7. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website at . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!


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