Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Wednesday Poem


Birthday Wishes To My Son In Heaven

©  More By Deborah Robinson

Published: January 17, 2019

If I could have one wish in life,
That wish would have to be
That God would take away my pain
And send you back to me.

Your birthday's here today, my son,
And I just wanted you to know
How much I deeply love you
And that I miss you so.

On days like this we should celebrate,
But for me that now proves hard,
For unlike other mothers, I cannot send
A simple birthday card.

No kisses can I give you
Or birthday gifts to buy.
Only flowers I now can give you,
Which I place down where you lie.

Two other things I send you
Are my thoughts and all my love,
So hold them close and keep them safe
In Heaven up above.

And please wait for me, my darling
Until my days are through,
And then I'll come and spend all time
In Heaven just with you.



  1. Touching poem. The heart of a mother missing and longing for her son.

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    What a touching poem by Deborah!

  3. Nancy......Yes it is

    Mariette.......I agree


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