Monday, 4 January 2021

Fact Day


Hello Monday again so that means it is facts day again, so here we go:

It can be so hot in the Sahara Desert that rain can evaporate before it reaches the ground.

King Charles 11 first tried dog racing in 1670 at Hampton Court Palace.

It wasn't till 250 years later that racing greyhounds took off as a sport, largely due to the invention of the mechanical hare. Early hares were mounted on roller skates and pulled along with string.

Li is the family name for more than 90 million people in China

Mongolia is the world;s largest landlocked country.


  1. Interesting facts which is new to me especially about the raindrops evaporating before they reach the ground in the desert.

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Of course you mean King Charles II and not 11...
    Funny that those hares got mounted on roller skates and got being pulled. Very much like the Dachshund on wheels that I captured in Switzerland:
    Or the Turtle:
    Yes, Mongolia is a vast, landlocked country!

  3. Happy Monday and thanks for the facts! We hope your week will be a good one; take care.

  4. I can always count on you for interesting little tidbits.

  5. I was first going to ask if King Charles beat the dog in the race, but I figure that's because I've had a low snark day...

  6. Nancy......New to me too

    Mareitte......Yep did I make a boo boo

    Kea.......You are wewlcome

    Karen......Thank you

    Chris......That would be funnt to see

  7. Didn't know any of these.
    Happy new year! :)


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