Saturday 12 September 2020

Phone Troubles


I am having phone problems my cordless phones since yesterday around lunch time and it's so annoying. Our house phone aka land line now runs through the modem has none since we became connected to the NBN.

The NBN is a type of internet service here in Australia, which for so many of us suck with outages and dropouts

There is little to no point of complaining to Telstra as you get told to turn the modem off and on again and then you are told to disconnect the phone line and reconnect it, you also get told to disconnect the phone power line and then reconnect it. If that doesn't work you get told you may need new phones.

It is so frustrating


  1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    We sure are glad that we have a good Internet provider and we did not take the land line phone anymore. We got Internet via Cable and it is reliable. Before, we had a ridiculous high number of outages... annoying it IS. WAS for us; luckily...
    Hope you get this resolved but with such companies you're just at their mercy.

  2. We finally got rid of the land line a month or so ago. Especially since the lines inside the house blew out in a storm and it hasn't worked in like 6 years.

    The cell usually works just fine.

    We are also lucky to have decent internet. Though with school starting up and all the kids working from home, it has been a bit slower.

  3. They had you do everything we have to do with internet/tv, with the exception of, "We will send a signal to reset your modem, we'll call back in 30 minutes to see if it works."

  4. Mariette.......It is still not working and so frustrating, I am now wondering if it is the phone or the cord connecting it to the modem.

    Juli.......The phone is included with the internet, we pay the same as a daughter who doesn't have a house phone, which is why we still have one

    Chris........It is exactly the same



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...