Sunday 6 September 2020

Not a good week


I woke at 7am got up peed and went to get dressed and found Tim up himself. I was struggling to get dressed when Tasha arrived and thankfully she helped me dress.

Kelli & family arrived at 12.15pm to drop off Blain, they left Daemon & Freya with Jess while they went to do something.

Freya is such a cute little girl it is a pleasure to see her and hear her talk.

I woke at 6.06am, got up went to the bathroom, remembered to take my phone with me so when the alarm went off I was able to turn it off.

Rang Jess to remind her

After Leo left I was returning to the house and there is a magpie that has a nest in the tree in next doors front yard. Well the damn bird has taken to swooping on people coming in and out of each house. This morning e about the custard for Leo to take to school, she was snappy. Leo was still asleep she woke him and sent him over and he forgot the custard. I had to send him back to get it. the damn thing swooped down and connected with my face. Causing it to bleed, I rang Tasha and got her to attend t my small cuts.

It has been a bloody hot day and I have sweat running down my back and the back of my legs.

I will have a bath after Leo gets home because of how much I was sweating.

I woke before the alarm, Tim got up around the same time. Tasha came and helped me dress in the bedroom. It is going to be another warm day.

This afternoon when I went t o meet Leo that damn bird swooped me twice hitting the back of my head but no damage done.

Mum wasn't good she changed the .topic mid sentence a couple of times and was all over the place.

I received a long message from Michelle going on about how Dawson does so much and feels like it isn't enough for Sandy & Dave. I don't disagree but she has blown it out of proportion

Going to be another hot day, so light ¾ pants it is. Tasha dressed me and at 7am Tim got up.

At around 9.30ish Sandy rang to tell me that she had to ring an ambulance for mum. This morning she didn't wake for her alarm and Dawson had to ring his dad and Dave went over and managed to get her out of bed. When Sandy arrived she was not with it and her blood pressure was high like 143/1k23.

I am very worried about her, Tasha is going on about mum not being able to live alone ans things she should live here with me.

Jess rang Tasha and she came down heard what I said and rang her dad.

Tim came home and drove me to the hospital to see mum.

After seeing mum I was better, she was awake and with it knew who I was and was so pleased to hear Tim was there.

Before we arrived the doctors gave her a drug don't know what it was but it was something to get her heart pumping and it worked.

She has been admitted to the CCU ward and may need a pacemaker, we will see.

I woke at 6.15 no alarm going off till I opened the bedroom door and I could hear it in the loungeroom going off. I had left my phone in the loungeroom.

Sandy sent me a text letting me know mum is doing ok today she will be in hospital till Saturday

It is a bloody hotish day

Rang mum and spoke to her for about 10-15 minutes as Dave was there.

While I was outside I dropped and broke a candle but I managed to clean it up without incident, however, when I walked inside I must have had a small piece of glass in my foot and when I applied pressure it started to bleed and I had to get Tasha to clean it up and bandage my foot.

I will have a quick shower before going to bed.

I woke just before the alarm just and got dressed in the bathroom with Tasha's help.

Got hit in the face by the bird again outside Jess's place I was headed to Tasha's. Tasha came down and patched me up as there was blood.

Because of the bird attacks Tim decided to tie an umbrella to the handle bar of the scooter to see if it deters the bird.

Spoke to mum, she sounded good hopes to go home over the weekend.

I woke at 6.15 but managed to stay in bed till just after 7am.

Had a message from mum letting me know she is at Dave's place was discharged at 5pm.

Kathy arrived at 9.30 to give me a shower I was upset over the message that Sandra sent yesterday. Tasha read the message and sent a nasty reply.

I needed a nap between 10-11am after which I felt better.

Jess has a wine tour.

Been another warm day


  1. That's quite a week. Sorry about the bird, while it's cool they set up camp so close to us, it's not so cool when they get territorial.

    Hope everything works out okay for your mom. It's hard when they get older.

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Wow, that bird seems to be the most annoying one! No kidding if it attacks your face, or anyone's face, that is dangerous.
    A scare with your Mum needing to go to the hospital, sounds like they got her there in time.
    You really lived through a lot of stress in one week and then the glass in your foot... That's enough!
    Hope the coming week will find you in a more calm routine for everything and everyone.

  3. It is sad to watch a loved one like that going downhill. I never had to do that with parents, though, mine both went fairly quick. As would that magpie with a bb gun were it swooping me.

  4. Sorry, that is a lot to go on in one week! Sorry.

  5. Juli......Yeah the bird is annoying

    Mariette.....Yep annoying indeed and the wound near my eye could have beed serious

    Chris.....Mum is a worry

    Sandie....Life sucks at times

  6. What a hectic week you have had. Hope your mum is ok and that you can get a rest this coming week.

  7. Rosie.......Yeah here's for a better week



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...