Tuesday 8 September 2020

Flu Virus

 Good morning all, anoteher nice warm day herre in Newie, today's indestructible stuff is the humble Flu Virus. Which I reckon haas been arround since the days of Adam & Eve.

Pretty much everyone has had the flu at some time but how many think about how tough the virus is. In fact the Flu Virus will probably be around forever, or as long as there's anything left to infect.

Viruses work by invading living cells and using them to make more copies of the virus. Whenever more copies of the flu virus are made, the virus changes slightly, this changing creates morer and more types or strains of flu.

Because the flue keeps changing scientists have to keep creating new vaccines to try and prevent the flu. Sometimes new and dangerous strains appear that can cause deadly epidemics in the world. Scientists are constantly keeping tabs on flu to see what it's getting up to, but nevere completely catch up with it.

Some affect animals instead of people.

Back in 1918-1920 a deadly flu strain ravaged the world killing around 50 million people.

A year ago we would have said that we now have better medicines so such a disaster would be unlikely to happen again.

Enter March 2020 and Covid 19 or Coronavirus in Australia we have had 26,322 cases wiyh 762 deaths mostly in Victoria. There has been 27.2 million cases worldwide with 890,000 deaths.


  1. Looks like the world can never really get rid of Covid-19, just like the world cannot get rid of the flu virus. The coronavirus keeps mutating itself to create more strains of virus, some more deadly than others.

  2. That's the scariest thing about Covid19--that it might always be coming around and around in different forms year after year.

  3. Hard to control these diseases or virus's that come around and this one at the moment is very hard to control.

  4. We never know when one of those adaptations will create something deadly. And after this COVID, I've a feeling there will be so many people thinking 'Chicken Little' when the next one comes we're really gonna get clobbered.

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Bacteria and viruses develop into different versions indeed, ones that are more resistant. So it will always be hard to knock it down with a vaccine.

  6. Nancy......I know I feel the same way

    Rita.....Yes it is

    Margaret d........Yeah I get that

    Chris....,..scary shit isn't it

    Mariette.......Yes it wull be

  7. COVID 19 will be that way. It's here to stay making it an issue every year. They haven't been able to cure a common cold yet...I'm not optimistic these days.



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...