Sunday 13 September 2020

Last Week is done with

 Father's Day today and I have nothing for Tim as I have not been out to be able to go shopping for something.

Been a busy day washing, vacuuming and doing the weekly medications.

Mum rang and asked if I wanted to go over for lunch but I said no I really didn't feel up to it.

I have been missing dad so much lately.

A new week and let's hope it is a good one Leo is happy and rerady to start a new week of learning and fun.

Jess came over at 10.20 wanting to know where his webster pack was, I think I forgot to ask Tim to get it on Saturday.

Tim has an early day so he took the car into have it looked at im he doesn't now how to change the setting so the lights don't come on automaticly.

I was on the phone to mum when it was time to go get Leo so I asked Tim to let me know when the alarm went off and he forgot to tell me. I must have just mised him as I was there at 2.40pm.

Tim was told that the screen needs to be replaced for the reversing camera to work again and that will cost $2,000

I woke at 5.40am and decided to get up, however, I am not dressed yet as Tasha wants to shower me after Leo goes to school.

I did have a shower after Leo went to school, going to be another warm/hot day.

The umbrella Tim placed on scooter feel apart this afternoon.

Good morning Diary had a reasonably good night sleep. Woke at 4.40am but managed to go back to sleep till the alarm went off.

When I went to take Leo up it was spitting lightly and he would not let me go in the scooter in wet weather, so he went and got Tasha to go with him which she did.

A much cooler day back in light-weight long pants after 3 days of ¾ pants. Turned out petty cold.

I have been restless all day doing bugga all, little to no motivation.

Tim home at 1.45pm, so he was able to get Leo as it was wet.

Another day but not as cold a day as yesterday was. I woke just before the alarm went off just after I peed Tim got up and spent ages in the bathroom.

After Leo left I cooked boiled eggs for breakfast and just after I finished eating, I had a sip of drink and it went down wrong causing me to chock, cough and vomit a bit as well as wet myself. Had to get Tasha to come help me change.

Mum was good when I spoke to her she only repeated herself once.

Despite the cold I was sweating on and off all day.

Woke again before the alarm around 6ish, I was having a wash in the bathroom when the alarm went off. I even managed to partly dress myself.

Tasha got my breakfast and helped me get my top on.

Tim home just after 9am he is here till around 1.30ish when he goes back to work.

The cordless house phones stopped working so I turned the modem off and on again, twice and still not working.

I was told by Leo's driver that from Monday Leo will go from being first pick up to last picked up, and from last drop off to first drop off.

Awoke at 6.10am but managed to stay in bed till 7.30 when Tim got up so I got up as well.

Kathy & the girls arrived at 9am so she could give me a shower.

Jess not working today and she said it feels odd not working.

Leo;s friend Katja came over to hang out for a bit

Kathy & girls came back as Syd had left her ball here. While here Syd was throwing the ball against Jess front door/wall and Jess yelled when she saw it, she was at Tasha's place. This scared Syd and her mum smothered her as if Jess had done something to intentionally tried to scare her.


  1. Happy Father's Day to Tim. Good to know that your mum and everyone is well. At my age, I too will choke easily if I am not careful. The weather here is much cooler because of the rainy season. Take care and stay safe.

  2. The weather here is starting to turn into our fall.. cool and WAY less humid. Snow will be here before you know it.

    I volunteered to go to work today to run packages. Time and a half is a decent deal, and when I get home I'll be cutting back the grapevine and redo-ing the window boxes for fall.

    Crafty projects help me not go completely insane right now.

  3. Sounds like a calm, peaceful week, relatively. Hope this one is a good one!

  4. nancy........Tim said thank you, I choke on stuff a lot

    Juli........Yeah you will soon have snow and I will have stinking hot days

    Chris.....It was about the same as always

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    That was quite a week with ups and downs and cold weather coming back at you...
    Once the weather gets milder, all other things will become easier too.
    Hope you sleep well!

  6. Mariette......Yeah when the weather is all over the place it is frustrating,



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...