Monday 28 September 2020

Fact Day


Good afternoon everyone, hope all is well with everyone, I am recovering nicely from my accident on Saturday. Well it's Monday so that means it is fact day. Today's facts are :

People who become hysterical when peanut butter becomes stuck to the root of their mouth are suffering from the condition “arachibutyrophobia”

In 1921 the commissioner of Ellis Island in New York made the decision to treat all incoming immigrants to a taste of something truly American by serving them ice cream as part of the first meal.

Queen Isabella of Castille, who sent Christopher Columbus to find the Americas, boasted that she had only bathed twice in her life. Once when she was born and once before she married.

The scientific name for a tomato is lycopersicon lycopersicum which means wolf peach.

The electric chair was invented by a dentist


  1. Gosh didn't know those.
    Interesting about the electric chair and have heard of Ellis Island, it's in a song.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - I'd heard recently that peanut butter soaks up moisture in the mouth ... hence its stickiness ... but I love it - though don't eat it often! Take care and have a good week - Hilary

  3. What about dogs that get peanut butter stuck to the roof of their mouths? :-D

    I didn't know any of these, thanks! My mind boggles at bathing only twice in one's lifetime. I know bathing wasn't a thing, don't even want to imagine how everyone reeked, body odour covered in perfumes. Gross, gross, gross! LOL.

  4. Queen Isabella of Castille, who sent Christopher Columbus to find the Americas, boasted that she had only bathed twice in her life. Once when she was born and once before she married.
    That is funny - nothing to really brag about these days is it?

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Glad to hear that you are healing nicely from your little accident!
    Funny, that the year my Dad got born, they treated immigrants to ice cream at Ellis Island, New York!
    Queen Isabella, like most of her time, must have used ounces of cologne and such for camouflaging other odors. Just imagine, no shower or bath...?!
    Well, that dentist got something on his 'chest'...

  6. I...just don't have words for Isabella... other than... nope, not gonna say that, either. I would think a good diaper rash ointment might have made me a fortune back then...

  7. I'm glad I didn't have to smell Isabella.


  8. Margaret D.......How cool

    Hilary....,.I also love peanut butter but don't spread it thick.

    Kea......Don't know about the dogs makes one wonder though; Yes it sounds great

    Sandie.......Sounds gross to me

    Mareitte......Thanks I am good, not bathing is gross

    Chris.....Same here

    Janie......Me too

  9. Man, twice? How reekingly HORRID! Whoa! The entire castle or whatever she lived in would smell enough to pell the stones off the walls.



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...