Sunday, 20 September 2020

Just another week

 A nice sleep in this morning got up at 7.30 just after I woke up and at the time Tim was getting up.

Tasha had been and tossed a load in the washing machine. I got the finished load out and tossed the second load in to wash for her.

Found 99+ messages on the family message group on good old Facebook. Read/listen to them all a lot about the ball incident.

Turned out a nice day all round.

The start of another working/school week here in Newie, going to be another warmish day.

Leo's driver drove down to the house as I wasn't there and this is the first day of the new routine and I was just leaving the house to take Leo up.

Been a very warm day, Leo arrived home at 3.26pm only 6 minutes after school got out.

Tim's youngest sister Diane who is intellectual disabled and has poor reasoning and is more like a child, has been arrested for refusing a Covid test in South Australia.

Seems she hooked up with a man who convinced her to travel to South Aus, they say she was groomed by the man who was arrested on paedophilia chargers.

We have very little to do with Diane by that I mean nothing.

A new day and I woke before the alarm again. I got up and dressed and found myself dripping in sweat even though it is far from hot.

Realised after Leo left that he didn't have his medication, I forgot why I do not know. Brian picked him up at the door at 8.10 earlier then I expected.

I decided to try and switch the phone cords around to see if the cordless would work and it did. I am happy, I did have to get Jess & Tasha to come and help me.

Tasha & Jess carried on like children, tickling each other and acting silly.

I woke with the alarm and found Tim was up and gone he had a 5.30am start.

This morning at 8.10am I went to get Leo for school, narrowly being missed by the bird. Brian arrived as we were headed up the driveway.

Tasha brought be 2 cupcakes made by Blain they were very yummy.

It has been a bloody warm day and I am in shorts, had to toss out a pair this morning as they felt a bit loose.

A very short chat to mum as Dawson arrived home and was on the phone to his mum and this caused mum to become distracted.

Up before the alarm but not dressed as Tasha is going to give me a shower after Leo leaves.

Had a nice shower, and Tasha changed the sheets.

Spoke to mum for an hour or so she was feeling lonely. Half an hour after I hung up from mum she rang back to tell me that Michelle had rang her for no reason she said by mistake and they talked for half an hour about nothing.

It has been a very warm day.

Tim home at 2pm a short day for him.

Awake at 5.33am got out of bed at 5.45 as I was awake and generally don't like staying in bed once awake. I managed to dress my bottom half before Tasha arrived, she did my top for me.

Tasha had to take Leo up as it was raining.

Stopped raining so I will be able to collect Leo this afternoon.

Didn't have much of a chat with mum as Dawson rang twice and then Dave rang.

Leo has gone to Kelli & Jono's for the weekend.


  1. Glad that you have family members especially Tasha to help you whenever possible. Have a wonderful weekend. Take care and stay safe.

  2. Sounds like a nice and busy week. :)

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    So sorry for Tim's youngest sister... What a world we live in.
    You have two sweet girls in general, that must be mentioned.
    Nobody of us is perfect but we all try to hang in and o our very best...
    As for your posting in these colors, that is 'bloody' hard to read with my one good eye and I'm still waiting on cataract surgery... due to COVID-19 they had cancellations and are now fully booked up. Hate that but what can we do? Only if they have a cancellation they can fit me in sooner.
    Wish it was done!

  4. Thoughts with Diane, hope she gets help enough to get through it.

  5. Sorry about your SIL. It's hard when family has challenges. And even worse when they are preyed upon.

    Nice to see someone getting good things delivered into their inbox on FB. I am struggling with disconnecting. Every time I sit down it seems my fingers start to type the word in the search box... but so far I've been able to stay off.

    It really is a hard pattern to break.

  6. Nancy........Yes I am lucky

    Rita......It was

    Mariette.......I am sorry the colours make it difficult to read, I do it to seperate the different days

    Chris.......I am sure yo will

    Juli....My SIL will be fine I don't spend a lot of time on FB just a few minutes here and there


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