Sunday, 9 February 2020

My Diary Week 6

Yet another stinking hot day, turned the air con on at 7.30am as soon as I got up.
Tim is replacing the air con in the kitchen, Jason Brown came and helped him took around 3hrs to do it.
He also finished the ramp for the front door.
Been extremely hot again around 41 degrees today.
Mum rang me around 10 and she was near tears, Michelle was being Michelle nagging and demanding. She wants to buy Dawson a TV and have him give the one he has which Mum bought him for Christmas to his Dad so she can have the old set which he gave to his Dad to have in his shed. She thinks because gave Dawson the old set 4yr ago that it's hers so she should get it. When you give a gift it is no longer yours.
Tasha looks really drained today.

Up at 6.15 am, coolish enough to have the doors open.
Leo & Jess arrived around 6.40.
Leo is making a mess with the Styrofoam packing from the new air con.
I went to aqua and enjoyed it came home and had a shower.
Around 1pm the scooter arrived so I rang and told Tim, he is happy.
Leo walked in at 2.45pm didn't realised it was his early day
Tim has assembled the scooter when he got home from work.
I love it...................................

Up at 6.15 and dressed by 6.25 when Jess & Leo arrived. Vacuumed the lounge room before doing anything else.
I rode the scooter when Leo went to meet his driver, I had no trouble getting in and out of the house.
Leo forgot to take his medication this morning, so I rang the school this morning.
I rode the scooter up to meet Leo this afternoon.

Up at 6.15 opened the house and got dressed, Jess & Leo arrived at 6.50 she was running late.
I took Leo to meet his “taxi” it is a good feeling to be able to do this.
Been a coolish day so no air con needed.
I have been unwell this afternoon low BGL Leo made me a ham & cheese toastie and I started to feel better.
Tasha had to meet the taxi as I was not good

Awake at 6am so I got up and dressed before alarm went off. Still cool this morning, I have opened the house up.
Leo's school photos being taken today I had to find cash and put it in the envelope for him.
Tim home at 10 for a few hours.'
Mum rang late and she was annoyed that I had Blain & Leo around trying to talk to me.

Had a restless night, got up when the alarm went off and had a shower before getting ready.
Leo sounds terrible, he also had a bad night.
It is raining this morning and very humid.
Tasha walked Leo up and spoke to his driver and asked him if it is raining this afternoon would he be able to drive Leo down the driveway as I would have trouble getting up the driveway.
It has been raining all day so I was glad that I didn't have to go and get him.
Tasha rang at 5.30 to say she wasn't able to help me get ready for bed, as she was just leaving Kurri Kurri and to ring Jess. I am not ringing Jess, I will cope on my own.

Awake and up at 6.30 after a bad nights sleep I woke feeling sick mostly it's a headache. I am suppose to be going to Dave's for Mum's birthday, but if I continue to feel like this I may not go.
Just had some banana bread and feel like I am going to throw up and the headache is getting worse.
Went back to bed for 1.5hrs after I got up I got dressed to go to Dave's but Kathy & Tim thought I didn't look well enough to go and talked me out of going.
It has been wet on & off all day.
I am up going back to bed as I am still not good.


  1. Sounds like you were coming down with something. So much going around. Hope you're feeling better soon. Sorry you missed the party.

  2. Hope you feel better soon. You do such a lot for your family.

  3. Day 1- So that explains the FB post. It must be something in the name Michelle...

    Day 2- Leo with packing= Misty with stuffed toy...

    Day 4- your levels sure swing a lot more than mine...

    Day 7- Just relax. Square pegs won't fit in round holes no matter how much you pound them.

  4. Is it the usual thing in Australia to turn off the air conditioning at night? During the summer in Florida, we have to keep the AC on all the time.


  5. Rita.......Felt like it too

    Rosie.....Thank you I am feeling better

    Chris.....Yes it was about her, so true about Leo and Misty, that they do, but we keep trying to make it fit.

    Janie.....Yes we do turrn them off a lot at night as it is commmon to get a cool breeze so we have windows open during the night

  6. I am surprised that the temp drops enough for you to be able to do that. I lived in Florida as one of your commenter does and man, it was hot 7-24!

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