Monday 10 February 2020

Did you know or not

Well it's Monday again, started out wet but drying up, well being Monday that means it's did you know day. So what amongst things do you know?

In 1850 two hundred and twenty six soldiers lost their lives when they crossed a suspension bridge that crossed the Maine at Angers in France. They were marching in step which caused an increase in resonance or vibration to the bridge. Since then soldiers often would cross iffy bridges out of step.

Radio waves travel so much faster then sound waves that a broadcast voice will be heard 10,000 miles away sooner then in the back of the room that it was sent from

The movie “Gandhi” featured 300,000 people

Elvis Presley was a avid gun collector and had 40 weapons including M-16s and a Thomson sub-machine gun.

Leather money was used in Russia up until the 17th century


  1. Interesting.
    Can't imagine using leather money.

  2. I don't think I know any of those. Didn't know about Elvis or leather money!

  3. These were all really good new ones for me! :)

  4. Thanks for the interesting facts that I didn't know until now.

  5. Very interesting facts. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I didn't know any of these, either. How awful for all those men who died on that suspension bridge. Ugh.

  7. I’d never heard about the soldiers on the bridge. I did know that Elvis was into guns.

  8. That radio wave thing is wild! You had some real stumpers this week.

  9. Margaret......Me either

    Sandie.......Same here

    Rita......Glad you liked them

    Nancy.....You'e welcome

    Rosie......That they are

    Kea.....I know how terrible

    Rick.....Me either, so sad

    Karen.......Now you do

    Chris.....Yep indeed

  10. Gosh I don;t know but one of these!!!

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  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...