Monday, 24 February 2020

Did you know, do you know, or don't you care

Hello world...................
How are you all today?
I am doing pretty good, the weather here is nice, not hot, not cold, just nice...................

Anyway here are this week's did you know facts.........................

A Frenchman Michel Lotito had an unusual diet be was born 15th June 1950 and died 25th June 2007, he used to eat large quantities of metal and glass since he was 9yrs old, he ate things like supermarket carts, televisions, bicycles, razor blades, bullets, nuts & bolts and such

In 1932, when a shortage of cash occurred in Tenino, Washington, U S A, banknotes were made out of wood.........

In, 1894 there were only four cars in America and now look how many there are.

The side of a hammer is called the “cheek”

Ten inches of snow contains the same amount of water as one inch of rain.


  1. I am happy you are feeling and doing well Joanne.
    We have had inches and inches of rain the winter - we would look like Alaska if it were all snow.
    I am shocked that Michel Lotito lived that long - aren't you?

  2. I used to sprinkle gold dust on my cereal but it got too expensive. I use bronze dust now.

  3. The only one I knew for sure was the snow to rain quota. ;)
    How did that guy live that long. I would have thought he would have been dead by ten. ;)

  4. I didn't know any of those. And I'm not eating metal and glass just to lose some weight. LOL. Ugh! :-D

    Have a great week!

  5. We are looking forward to rain.

  6. Lotito must have been trying out for Matter-Eater Lad from the Legion of Super Heroes...

  7. Sandie.....Yes, I was surprised he lived as long as he did.

    Rits.....The snow/rain thing surprised me and that guy living so long, how was that possible

    PTM....Funny man

    Kea.....Me neither and yuck

    Nancy......Same here

    Chris......He was strange

  8. Thanks for those interesting facts. I can't understand why the Frenchman would have ever thought of eating metal, he must have had a deficicency of some sort!

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