Sunday 19 January 2020

Diary week 3

I woke at 5.50am but found Leo asleep on the lounge room floor, so went back to bed. It took ages to fall back asleep and when I did I had another strange dream. I finally got up and dressed at 7.45am.

Leo rode his bike down the rode to post some letters for me.
He managed to fall off his bike 2 times today the second time I had to ring Tasha to help him get up as he was laying on the front lawn, she came down with a man named Matt some guy she knows.

It has been a lovely cool day I have had the front and back doors open.
Leo asked if he can have this pineapple drink and you just say yep, then he starts to laugh and you look and he is holding a pineapple vodka cruiser. You then say no and he goes away, he comes back saying how about this pineapple drink and you say no but this time it is pineapple soft drink that of course he can have.

Up at 6.40am and opened the house, Leo is sleeping on his bedroom floor. I am going to aqua.

Aqua was good, had a shower when I got home.
Jessica arrived to get Leo around 1.15pm and left at 2pm. He took his bike home with him.
Been a lovely day,

A new day and I was up and dressed at 6.30am, opened the house up as usual.
Liarna's 10th birthday, sent her a text via her dad's phone.
Blain is at his mum today/night while his Dad and Kelli go out.
Tim told me he bought me a motorised scooter from a place online and it still hasn't arrived, so he tried ringing them but it rang out, he tried to email them with no reply, he is worried he has been had.

Mum told me Michelle l has to take Landon to see a paediatrician and it is going to cost $300. This is because he was misbehaving at school a lot.

Awake up and dressed by 6.05am still cool this morning, I opened the house up as usual. What I do have is a headache but there is paracetamol in with my morning tablets.
Tim heard from the company he bought the scooter from it will be sent in 48hrs so it may all be good we will see.

Saw Jono when he picked up Blain he is back at his dad's for 10 days.
Leo here for an hour or so while his mum went into work for a bit.
Tasha came down at 4.30pm and got me ready for bed as she had to go out I will go to bed later.

I got up at 5.50am and got dressed in the lounge-room so as to not disturb Tim
Had to turn the air con on at 10am.
Around 1pm we had a storm didn't cool things down though, well not straight away

I woke at 4.20 am to pee and then at 6.20am for the day it was cool and overcast so the house was pretty dark, making me surprised that it wasn't much earlier.
Managed to dress myself and do my own make-up, Tasha came and helped me with my earrings.

Jessica took me to Charlie and stayed and helped, Leo stayed he with Papa.
Jess bought Leo's school stuff and is leaving it here.
Had rain on and off all day, it's great.
Got some awesome photos from Kathy-Lee of their holiday
Up & dressed by 6.30, after a restless night woke up a few times but at 6.20 I woke with a headache so got up to take pain relief and decided to stay up.
Jessica will be here soon she is doing a wine tour, it is cool and raining so quite dark outside. We have Leo for the day.

Tim is picking up the shopping today as Kathy is still driving back from Qld.
Stopped raining around lunch time.

Jess arrived at 5ish to get Leo she stayed for close to an hour and was laughing and joking with her dad.

Tasha came at 4.30 to help me get ready for bed.


  1. You have a lot of interaction with your family. That's good.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - hope things improve and glad to read there's been some rain - cheers Hilary

  3. Nice to see you're getting some help from the crew! Stay cool!

  4. Diane.....Yes I do and I love it

    Hilary.....Yes the rain is great we need so much more

    Chris......Yeah it is I am drenched in sweat from being outside for 5 mins

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  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...