Sunday 12 January 2020

Diary Week 2

Here we are at 10.30 am on Sunday morning and it is time for my diary post..

I got up at 6.30am, Tim got up just afterwards and got ready for work. Kathy-Lee and the girls picked me up and drove me to Mum's.
While there her phone was on the table and there was a strong wind so I went to move the paper plates and somehow managed to knock her phone off the table and her screen smashed. I feel awful.
Kathy-Lee left before me so Kelli drove me home when I was ready.
Dave had to feed me the ice cream cake, due t o the shaking causing me to drop it between the plate and my mouth.
It isn't as hot today.

I was up at 6am and had a shower before getting dressed.
It is a much cooler day with some rain as well, just not enough.
I dropped and broke my Christmas cup.
This afternoon Tim cut my hair so much better. I do not like longish hair.

This morning if woke to go to the toilet at what I thought was 4.20am, however, I must have been wrong as Tim was still in bed and didn't get up for work. He did get up and go to work at 4.30 but it was hours after my trip to the loo. At 5.10 I woke up again, went to the loo again and tried going back to bed but I just laid there so I got up at 6ish.
Tim home at 9.45am to 1.30pm, I had a lay down at 12ish till Jess rang. She had received an email saying her Big W order had been delivered but only half of the order is here. The other half should be delivered either this afternoon or in the morning.
Mum told me that Micheal wants Dawson to get a Centrelink loan for her, $900 I hope he doesn't make that mistake again.

Leo's birthday he is 12 now, I sent him a birthday message.
I am not feeling well today.
The bike Jessica ordered for Leo arrived just before Papa got home for work and he said he would put it together but there was a problem with it and she had to return it to Big W and had to get a different one. Which Papa did put together it is blue.

Up at 7am after a horrible nights sleep, woke up confused but after a while I was ok.
Tim rang at 7.45 to tell me he left his wallet in his shorts and that Tasha was going to come get it and take it to the bus stop near Pring St
Mum told me that Dawson told his mum he is sick of her abusive and wants nothing with her till she grows up.
I have been dripping in sweat all day and it's a coolish day.

Up at 6.30am again, Tim up at the same time. I had a shower and Tim helped me get dressed.
Kathy sent me a message telling me that it will cost $320 to fix her phone. She is blaming mum/nana.
Of course mum doesn't feel like she did anything and blames it on the wind.
Tim & I are joining Jess & Leo for a trip to the army museum at Singleton.
Kelli, Daemon & Freya joined us and it was great having them with us.
We offered to take Blain with us but he was in a mood as he had stayed up all night
I woke up at 6am with a headache, so tried going back to bed but was up by 6.30 am still with a bad headache.
A much cooler day, I have opened the doors and windows to let the breeze through.
Jessica has work taking people to the Elton John concert tonight and again tomorrow night. So we have Leo for the weekend.
He has been inside most of the time as Georgia is at her grandparents and he is avoiding her.


  1. I woke up with a headache today too. I think swings in pressure contributed to mine.

  2. Well, I didn't wake with a headache but I sure got one mid morning. I have done that several days n a row. It goes away but it seems to want to come back. I hope YOU are feeling better and that you usr the air conditioning when you get so hot and sweaty. I lobe mine in the summer.

  3. Happy birthday Leo. I am sorry about your headache - I hope you feel better.

  4. Hope you are feeling better now. Sorry about your headaches. The hot season is back and most nights have to sleep with air con on. Feeling easily tired and sleepy in the afternoon. Dare not take afternoon naps or else will be wide awake the whole night until early morning.

  5. Hope Leo had a lovely birthday and how time flies Jo-Anne.
    You have been busy once again.

  6. Rick.......The eather gives me many headaches

    Ramblington.....Headaches are bloody annoying

    Sandie.......Thanks I am

    Nancy......yeah we have the bedroom air connat night

    Margaret.....He did and yeah it does

  7. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Well, there is way too much going on in your life for having a good, sound night sleep...
    Hope your headaches have left you by now. It might be you are not drinking enough water?! I've had migraines, years ago and only learned far later that having drunk more water could have avoided them and now with all the meds over years, my kidneys got affected. Too late to change but for others, I sure can pass on the tip for saving them!!!
    Such a new glass for the phone costs a ridiculous price... but what can we, little working ants, do about it?
    Life is a constant struggle... but we have to make the very best of it, day by day.
    So grateful for having pulled that long, long solo drive into the mountains off, with Pieter still being alive!!!
    Hope Tim is doing okay and manages to do his job and concentrate on the road.

  8. Never surrender!AAP KI NEWS
    AAPKINEWS Land contributing is certainly not a straightforward thing to bounce into. There's a long way to go, and you ought to expect many knocks and wounds en route. Be that as it may, with tolerance and expanded aptitudes from playing the game, you'll become better and better at it.



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...