Sunday, 27 October 2019

The Week That Was No: 43

Up at 7am, discovered Blain wasn't here, at 7.30 Tasha rang to check in she told me that at 11pm last night Blain was unable to sleep so he went to his house to sleep in his own bed.

I am still not feeling good, I am very tired.

David brought me over some cake, it is nice.

Up at 6.30am and decided to go to aqua and sent Tasha a text to let her know.

Tim's father in near the end of his life, so he is going to head out and see him in the next couple of days.
Leo left his school bag here.

Ron died at 1am, Tim has ridden the motorbike out to see Jenny and his Dad's body. All the girls feel for their Dad.

Tim rang and said the funeral is on Friday so we will leave t Was No:Thursday.

Leo is here tonight.

Tasha is in a lot of pain with a rotten tooth.

I woke at 6am and stayed up, had to wake Leo at 7.45am and was at him over and over to get ready for school.
It is a pretty warm day.

Tim arrived home at 1.30pm and was exhausted.

Jess rang to see if we wanted to go out for tea but I already had food prepared. Tim was trying to talk to her but she was unable to hear him and Tim got snappy. I do not know why. She just wanted to take her Dad out.

Up at 6am again we packed and left by 9am we arrived around 1pm and stopped at Jenny's but they were not home so we went to the motel. I was able to have a nap before we went back to Jenny's.

After spending an hour or so there we went for tea at the RSL club. Jenny came and ordered for us using her membership, while she was there she gets a phone call from her son saying he drove into the shed. No one was hurt not much damage thankfully.
We then returned to the motel for the night.

Had a horrible nights sleep very restless we went to Macca's in Mudgee then headed to the funeral.

There was a good turnout I counted 30 people. Tim wiped his eyes a couple of times. I cried a bit because I was thinking of Dad & Pop.
Afterwards we went back to the RSL where we stayed for a couple of hours.

We arrived home at 5.30pm, Tim stopped and bought wine and pizza. After I ate I crashed I was so exhausted.

I woke up at 8am and have been busy all day, Jessica & Leo arrived at 9.30am and she asked if Leo could stay the night. I said of course.

It has been a stinking hot day had the air con going all day.
The wind is so strong it has partly blown over one of Tim's sheds.
I asked Tasha to get me a bottle of Pepsi Max but I expect she will forget.

Well now is time to post this.


  1. I'm sorry for your family's loss.


  2. I am so sorry for your loss and all the things you had going on this past week.

  3. So sorry about Tim's dad. Sounded like a good funeral.
    Busy week. Hope you are feeling okay with the traveling and all.

  4. It’s tough losing a parent. I lost my dad in 1986.

  5. This has been the year for losses. It has taught me to lean hard on Jesus. We had some bad wind last night here as well. No damage here, but all our leaves are now down.

  6. Losses are difficult. Sounds like you had a rough week. Hope the sun come out again soon for you.

  7. A sad busy time for you and your family.

  8. Research different breeds to figure play bazaar satta king out which dog would be best for your family, your lifestyle and the size of your home.


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