Monday, 23 September 2019

Did you know No 33

Good morning world, Monday again and another nice day, here is this weeks did you know facts.

In 1989, an American weapons company ran scratch and sniff advertisement in the Armed Forces Journal. It pictured two battling helicopters and when part of the ad was scratched, it gave off the smell or cordite, the odour left in the air after a rocket explosion.

Jenga” is a Swahili word that means “to build”

Mr Potato Head was the first Toy product ever advertised on television.

Giraffes have no vocal cords

The first cartoon hero to go from comic book to movie was Zorro the film “The Mark of Zorro” was released in 1920 just a year after the comic was launched


  1. So interesting, I didn't know any of that!☺

  2. Some real goodies this week! :)

  3. I can honestly say the only one I knew was the giraffe. Cordite, eh? Glad the ad wasn't in Roto-Rooter....

  4. I didn't know any of this either. Giraffes have no vocal cords - isn't that odd with that long, long neck?

  5. Nat......Now you do,unless you forgot it all

    Rita....Thank you

    Chris......You know more then me

    Sandie.....Yes it is strange

  6. I remember when Mr. Potato Head was done with real potatoes so the pieces to make the faces had to be quite sharp so they could go in the potatoes. It was rather dangerous. I've always wondered what sound a giraffe makes. Now I know it doesn't.



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