Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Blah Day

Hello world, here I am sitting here ready to write a post but I can't think of a damn thing to write about.

I have been writing a couple of letters each day I have six done
but still have ten left to answer.

For some reason I am super tired this morning, I am falling asleep at the computer. So at midday I went for a nap.

It is just a blah day.


  1. I have blah days every now and then too, and I do exactly what you did, I take a nap.

  2. I don't have those often but sometimes I do. Don't like them.

  3. You are very popular, getting so many letters.



National Anthem of Saudi Arabia

  The national anthem of Saudi Arabia is The Chant of the Saudi Nation it was first adopted in 1950 by King Abdulaziz without the lyrics, t...