Sunday, 8 September 2019

The Week That Was No:36

Father's Day today, our first without Dad. Went to Mum's for lunch it was a nice outing. Dave & Leigh with Sue & Sandy went to see Dad and took the card I got for Dad and left it on his grave.

Monday I woke up with a headache but other wise I am ok. I ended up going back to bed for 1.5hrs at 9.15am.

Tim was here when I got up at 10.45am, he left at 1.30pm to go back to work.

I did two loads of washing today.

Tuesday, I woke up at 6.45 but stayed in bed till 7.20, Tasha came and helped me get dressed.

At 8.45 the power went out, it may be out till 4pm while Ausgrid do some work. We received notice this would happen a few weeks back.
At midday I went to have a lay down and I am surprised that I slept for 2hrs. However, I woke feeling lightheaded and foggy, so I ate and then I was fine kinda.

At 2.30pm the power came back on.

Leo is here tonight

Thursday I woke up at 6.15, tired as........
I have had too have two naps today.
I am going to sleep watching telly so off to bed for me
Woke up at 6.15, tired as........
I have had too have two naps today.

I am going to sleep watching telly so off to bed for me
Friday saw me up again at 6.15am, Tasha rang me at 7am and came to help me get dressed.

It was nice at breakfast 2 sisters and 2 nieces and 1 great-niece turned up, with Tasha and Mum of course.

I have felt tired all day again.

Jessica bought me a Legacy bear.

Been very windy and a hot wind at that, all afternoon, had to turn the air con on for a while.

Saturday and Jessica is working but we don't have Leo as he is going to Kelli's for the day.

I slept in till 7.20am, Tim is off today.

Mum is worried about Dawson going out and not arranging a lift home in advance. Although on Friday he arranged for Sam to pick him up but tonight she was unable to do it so Tasha went and got him before she got me already for bed.

Tim went out to start mum's car to go down the road and it had a flat battery so had to get Tasha to jump start it.


  1. flat battery? Someone crushed it? Or did it taste flat?

  2. Sounds like a better week. Other than the power outage.

  3. PTM........Flat as in dead

    Chris......Yeah an ok week


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  The national anthem of Saudi Arabia is The Chant of the Saudi Nation it was first adopted in 1950 by King Abdulaziz without the lyrics, t...