Monday, 9 September 2019

Did you know No:32

Good morning world here are some facts you may or may not know.

The doll Barbie's full name is “Barbie Millicent Roberts”

Walt Disney was afraid of mice

Ann Boleyn had six fingers on one hand

President John F Kennedy could read four newspapers in 20 minutes

There is a tea in China called “white tea” it is simply boiled water.


  1. I didn't know any of these!! Thanks for sharing. I have learnt something today.

  2. My drug dealer charges me $50 for a white tea.

  3. There is a white tea that is real tea leaves and not just boiled water. I have bought and tasted it. Very nice and mild but definitely not just water--LOL!

  4. Rosie........You're welcome


    Rita........Good who would pay for just water

  5. All the facts are new to me. I love white tea and I am also afraid of mice!

  6. I didn't know a lot of these, but Kennedy didn't surprise me.
    Ann Boleyn had six fingers on one hand - that surprised me!

  7. Nancy..........Pleased to inform you

    Chris.........Yeah really

    Sandie.....Six fingers was a surprise for me too

  8. Six fingers. Did they do the usual in those times (and forward) and accuse her of being a witch I wonder?


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