Thursday, 5 September 2019

Poem Thursday NNo 19

wHello world, how is life treating you?

Here in Newie it is another warm spring day.

Here is this weeks Thursday post

When we start to count flowers
we cease to count weeds;
When we start to count blessings,
we cease to count needs;
When we start to count laughter,
we cease to count tears;
When we start to count memories,
we cease to count years.


  1. Hi Jo-Anne - lovely poem ... we should all memorise it ... cheers Hilary

  2. I wish you had ten more lines in that poem

  3. So funny that part of your post today is about counting memories and that's what mine was about too.

  4. Hilary......I agree

    Rita......,.Thank you

    PTM.......Same here

    Karen....,..It is funny when think about how often things like that happen


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