Saturday, 15 September 2018

This & That

Hello everyone, haven't blogged in a few days just been busy writing letters to pen pals and other stuff but here I am on this lovely Saturday morning, going to be a hot day with temps around 38°c today, at last writing something.

Yesterday Sandy was telling me that mum & dad had a visit from a dietitian and she was there so long mum ended up telling her to leave they wanted to have lunch, she said to mum you go have lunch I will stay here and talk to Denis. Mum said NO we both need lunch, you have to leave. So the woman left and said to my sister Sue on her way out that she doesn't think she will be back, trust me if she doesn't return it will not bother my parents.

The pain relief in my left arm didn't last long had a lot of pain and trouble moving it yesterday again, that didn't last long.

Had Leo here last night and he is here all day today while his mum is working, she worked last night as well which is why he spent last night here.

I usually sleep in on Saturday and Sunday but Kathy rang at 7am so no sleep in this morning but that's ok I am up and dressed and ready to face the day. It is quiet at the moment as I feel no need to have the TV on for back ground noise.

Last night just after I went to bed the house phone rang and Leo answered it when I asked who it was he said Aunty Sandy but I told her you had gone to bed to ring back in the morning. So later I will give her a ring to see what she wanted.

Tim will be off to work in a few hours and Kathy will be here with my shopping and her girls also today is my niece Denni's birthday she is 6 today.


  1. We slept in on our Saturday. It felt good.

  2. Why on earth... oh well, just shake your head, Chris, and be your own dietician...

  3. Rick.........I like to sleep in on the weekend

    Chris.........Dietitians annoy me

  4. I've had a few dietitians - and I have to be honest - haven't followed them.

  5. Chatty.......I wonder if dietitians follow their own advice


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