Wednesday, 5 September 2018

A Bloody Good Read

Today I am doing something I don't generally do, I am doing a book review. I recently read the book Prayer Wasn't Enough by Dee Ready and what a bloody good book it was, I would recommend it you have any interest in what life for a young woman entering a convent was like in the late 50's early 60's.

Sister Innocence made me laugh and cry, I could feel her struggle with obedience and liked the way she handled some situations like the little boy masturbating in class that was awesome. Her dislike of soft boiled eggs made me think of my dislike of scrambled eggs.

It was an amazing insight to life as a nun, I for some reason always thought of nuns being like robots with no emotions or sense of humour, I do not know why I thought that I just did.

This is one book I can see myself reading again I liked it that much. I would very much like to read her other books

You can find Dee at the below blog.


  1. I like reading books that are practical and down to earth, books that we can identify with, especially the normal struggles of everyday people. Have a wonderful day.

  2. That sure sounds like a great book. Thanks for the great review. Have a super day.

  3. Believe me, Nuns have a sense of humor... but DO NOT prevent them from cutting in line, trust me...

  4. Nancy.......This was one of those books for me

    Chris......I will take your word for that

    Marg.......It is and your welcome

  5. Dear Jo-Anne, thanks so much for reviewing the convent memoir. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed it and the struggles of that young Dee Ready to become perfect in every way! Did you find yourself in it--beyond the soft-boiled eggs/scrambled eggs?

    In January I'm starting another memoir. I'm a little anxious about it, but find myself wanting to explore my faith/spiritual journey. Not sure if anyone will be interested in that, but I usually write what I'm interested in exploring.

    Take care. And thank you again. Peace.

    PS: Would you consider leaving a comment on Amazon?????

  6. Janie............Thanks

    Dee...........I will go to Amazon now, I would love to read another memoir by you so write it indeed my friend


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