Saturday, 1 September 2018

Stupid things

Advertising on someone’s arm pit, yeah it is a thing in Japan, I think it is stupid.............

Australian advertisements have just got a whole lot more politically correct. Ad agencies have been warned they will be reprimanded for “discrimination” under changes to a code that is supposed to prevent what it has labelled the spread of negative gender stereotypes. So this means you can't have ads showing women doing housework or men doing things like car maintenance. This is stupid
A tiny house is stupid, I like room to swing a cat without killing the cat..............

Yet another Prime Minister our Prime Ministers get over thrown and booted out that often it is now just so stupid and annoying.

Tennis player Alize Cornet being reprimanded for fixing her shirt at the US Open, she had a sports bra on so get over it


  1. I will trade you our prime minister for yours! Please, please take the offer. We can't do any worse than what we have now. I agree with you, though. Political correctness is getting out of hand. When I was a kid, we didn't have " Grief Councillors ". We manned up, got over it, and moved on with life!

  2. I hate to sound negative - but it seems the whole world is getting out of control! sandie

  3. And in Russia, they can't put up an ad that jokes about small breasts because it's a "physical disability". We really need to get over ourselves. Well put!

  4. I will trade our president for any prime minister you've ever had. But no. I can't be that cruel to your country.

  5. Ian...........We have yet another new Prime Minister it is just stupid how often we change Prime Ministers

    Chatty.......I so agree

    Chris........So true, some people take things far to serious

  6. Janie........Yeah but does your Prime Minister's office have a revolving door like ours

  7. Joann, let's hope our Oval office has a revolving door for the "great Cheeto". Sometimes I just think we need to reel things back in and focus on what's really important.

    PS. On our ballot this month... weather or not to repeal the equal opportunity to use what ever bathroom we identify with act. ANd they worded it just so, so that if we vote yes, we actual disagree with it, and NO means we agree.

    And yet... no one will be educated enough to do what they really feel.

  8. Oh I could go ON and ON about this topic but I would be boiled in oil I am sure.


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