Monday, 10 September 2018


Winter here is Aus is over for another year although it is still pretty cold, I just had to go and find a cardigan as I was looking and thinking about what too write about today I read the prompt snow like it or loath it.

Here in my part of the world it doesn't snow, although it does snow only a few hours away and even though I will complain about how cold it is during winter it isn't really that cold here compared to other places.

Many years ago, I do not remember how long ago but years ago anyway Tim and I had a holiday at Perisher it was a wonderful holiday and a couple of years back we went to Tassie and it snowed while we were there which is great. We walked around with light snow falling and both of us loved it and that was cold weather.

Jessica said she would love to take Leo on a holiday to the snow next winter and wants me to look into that for us.

So even though it doesn't snow here, I do like to take holidays to the snow, so what about you do you like snow, does it snow in your part of the world?


  1. Here in this part of Canada, you also love it or hate it. We normally get about 4 feet per winter and it stays. Me, I like it!

  2. Snows here and I really like winter. Love the change in seasons in the spring and fall, too. (Fall is my favorite.) Hot sticky summers are my least favorite, but we need them, too. :)

  3. Each year here in Alabama, we usually get a few inches of snow that stays on the ground a few days before melting. We love snow but I have the feeling we wouldn’t if we got it all winter long like our northern neighbor.

  4. I am in Hotlanta - and it is 90 degrees and raining = HUMID. I am looking forward to fall my favorite season and winter - we usually have a very mild one.

  5. When I was a kid snow was okay. I didn't have to drive in it and got days off school. It was worth it to put on all the stuff mom made you wear to play in it. Not so much now...

  6. WE get snow and ice storms here in east Tennessee. Not my favorite.

  7. Ian........4feet is a lot but I doubt that is all at once

    Rita.......I like th change in seasons too, it feels good to have a change

    Rick.......A few inches at a time would be nice

    Chatty......Hot and humid isn't nice to sticky for me

    Chris.......Yes I think kids love snow because they don't have to deal with the pitfalls of it

    Katie.......I am sure the ice would get caught in your paws, or maybe not


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