Wednesday, 12 September 2018

No pain

Here I am at the end of another day and what a warm day it has been and it is only going to get warmer/hotter although at the moment they are saying tomorrow will be in the teens again today it has been 35°c and Saturday it is suppose to be 39°c so we will see.

The day started out great I woke up with no pain in my arm or my knees, after taking Leo to school I went to my aqua class and as soon as I got out of my car I realised I had left my basket with my towel and phone in it at home, so I had to come home and get it that took 10minutes.

Last night before going to bed I did something I rarely do, I had a shower, I am a bath person but I was sweating a lot during the day and felt like I stunk so I jumped in for a quick shower before going to bed.

Also yesterday afternoon my blood glucose levels were high around 18 this was because of the cortisone injection that always puts my blood glucose levels up this morning it was still 12 but after I took my medication it came down to 7.

As I write this I still have no pain, it feels good, if only it would last.


  1. Hopefully it will last. Glad you had some relief. In the weather, I've had to go back to long pants the last few days. Not sure that it's going to last that long, but at least it's a nice change.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that you've had a pain free day. I hope you have many more.

  3. Glad you are feeling a little better. Hope you stay that way. Take care.

  4. I hope it lasts and lasts! :)

  5. Glad to hear that you are pain free hopefully it lasts for a long time. I have sciatica at the moment or should I say that I have a pain in the bum. hee hee

  6. Good to know that you enjoyed a pain free day. Hope it will last. Have a wonderful day!

  7. I am VERY glad you had no pain. I hope that is still so.

  8. Chris......Didn't last and yesterday was warm today is going to be hot

    Karen......Felt good to have no pain

    Marg.......Was good while it lasted

    Rita.......It didn't

    Diane.......Pain sucks and relief is short lived

    Nancy.......Yes it was good to be pain free for a short while

    Katie.......Nope the pain has returned


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