Tuesday, 4 September 2018

New Tattoo and Typical Chinese Household

Hello everyone, well yesterday I thought about writing a post a few times but that is as far as I got but I am going to get this written and posted before taking Leo to school and I am going to update my diary.

After taking Leo to school yesterday Jessica and I went and got another tattoo on my body, I had wanted it on my left hand but it was shaking a lot and Jessica and the tattoo artist both thought it would be better to put it on my back. So it is now on the left shoulder area of my back and Jessica said I should add the other grandkids later on. It didn't hurt at all in fact I barely felt him doing it, the guy who did the tattoo kept calling me dear. When I told my mum about getting it last night I could tell she wasn't interested but both her and dad do not get people getting tattoos.

I was going to tell you about having a typical meal in a typical Chinese household, well the rickshaws dropped us of at the home which was in a laneway we entered into a courtyard where two tables were set up seating 8 at each table. Then a lady brought out bowls of food there was boiled rice aka sticky rice and cabbage as well as beef, chicken & pork dishes the food wasn't to my liking but most of the tour group seemed to like the food.

After the meal the woman who lived there played for us on this but I cannot remember what it is called.

We then had a chance to look around and take photos, the kitchen was the size of my parents laundry and the bathroom was up some step stairs and there was a dinning room and a living/lounge room but NO bathroom, they had to use a toilet outside in the laneway and we couldn't see anywhere to have a shower.

The house was 400 years old and has been in the same family all that time, the woman's husbands family. Now there is only the husband and wife with their daughter living there, in the past there has been two generations of the family living there.


  1. While I am not a tat person, I can see why you got it and if it makes you and the kids happy, why not?

  2. I am not a tattoo person either- but a lot of people are!

    How VERY INTERESTING~! I loved that. 400 years old - no toilet or shower? Gosh we are so blessed here.


  3. I have one the size of my thumb nail on my right shoulder blade. That was in 2004. It's all run together and is a yucky purple-looking mass where it was a tiny flower. I'm not up for any more but then, I did the one I had done by allowing myself to be persuaded. I'm older, and we older folks tend not to. Just how we came up...no one much had them except on their arms and usually men. My Dad had a star on his right forearm. He got it when he was in the army.

  4. Chris.......I know many people don't like tattoos and that is ok

    Chatty......Yes tattoos are not for everyone, yes we have it good with our bathrooms, I cannot imagine having to walk out into a laneway to use a public toilet.

    Katie.......Yes once a pond a time tattoos were only something men got not 55yr old women

  5. Love your tattoo, it says so much about your priorities.

  6. You are so brave to have a tattoo done on your body. I do not like needles and heard that it is painful. I have not been to China but many of my friends had.


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