Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Naplan Results

Hello Tuesday, it is a warmish day, I have been awake and up & dressed since 5.30am Leo got his Naplan results yesterday, for those who don't know Naplan stands for National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy.

In May the Naplan test was done by students in years 3,5,7 & 9 across the country the assessments are supposed to be a snapshot of a child's achievements. Some parents get all bent out of shape over the results and because of this I feel some children stress over taking the test. I say to the child all you can do is the best you are able to do and to the parent if the results are not that great don't go off just talk to your child about what they and you can do to make improvements.

Leo's results were not that great he is below the national minimum standard in writing and spelling but is much better at reading and grammar & punctuation his score in numeracy was so so but ghe has improved in that area in the last few months.


  1. It is not a good test or a good idea. Think there are more accurate and better ways of checking the national education levels. I'm glad you and I hope your grandchildren don't get stressed over it.

  2. There is a wave over here realizing that "teaching to tests" instead of just teaching is what is causing the problem. If we could only get the legislators to see what most teachers know...

  3. Dear Jo-Anne, here, too, in the United States there are these tests that teaching spend months preparing the children to take. So much stress. Somehow I think that many who are in charge of education in our country have forgotten what education really means--to 'draw out from the child" the knowledge within and then to help that child find ways to enhance what he/she already knows. Peace.

  4. Yes, testing can be stressful, I always looked not at the scores but at whether there was improvement from the last testing.

  5. Diane........Yes there are much better ways indeed

    Chris.......Every child is different and have their own strengths in my opinion

    Dee.........These tests cause to much stress for children and some children don't handle tests well, there are better ways to find out a child's ability

    Karen.......I feel is a child is trying at school that should mean a lot


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....