Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Hot Water Problems

Well Wednesday has arrived, along with the sneezers, I have been sneezing over and over all morning so much so it is giving me a headache.

On Saturday evening when Tim went to have a shower we had only lukewarm water so I jump online a request a repair, on Sunday I had a quick lukewarm shower myself and on Monday Tim rang the Dept of Housing (our landlord) and asked when someone would be out, they said within 24hrs.

So yesterday morning the plumber comes out and spends a few hours working on the hot water unit and when he left he said it would heat up overnight, so we would have hot water this morning. Well when Tim went to have a shower this morning we still had no hot water.

I had to ring the Dept of Housing again this morning and was told someone would be out again within 24hrs. I can tell you I am not happy and I hope the guy comes out today sometime. I want to have a nice hot bath.


  1. Hope you get your plumbing fixed soon. What caused all the sneezing?

  2. Do you have allergies/hayfever. I sneeze, eyes burn, and nose runs.

    I hope the next time they actually fix it!

  3. Some say cold showers are refreshing but I’m not a fan of cold showers.

  4. Brrrrrrrrrrr! Hope it is fixed today.

  5. Wow, your Housing dept sounds a lot like the company that just bought our apartments, and the refrigerator ordeal of 2018...

  6. Mama........Getting the heater replaced this morning & I have no idea

    Rita........No not generally so no idea what the cause was

    Rick........I like the water to be hot so far from cold

    Chatty......Getting done this morning

    Chris.......It's the government so pretty useless most of the time

  7. Getting repairs done can be a real pain in the butt.


  8. My showers are usually just about lukewarm by choice. I'm in there log enough to get good and wet...then I soap up, rinse and out. All oil about 5 minutes, timed. Habit from harsh work hours and little sleep time.

  9. Katie.......In and out is how Tim showers nice a quick


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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