Thursday, 20 September 2018

Doing things we shouldn't do

The other day I wrote about Leo's Naplan results, well last night Kathy-Lee rang me to tell us that Sydney-May did really well with her Naplan getting above average across the board except for numeracy both Papa & Nana are proud of her.

Yesterday morning when I took Leo to school I had a staff member come and speak to me, now of a morning I have a habit of driving up the exit, so I am going the wrong way should I do this no properly not but I do and I make sure there is no other cars around when I do it. Anyway this woman comes to me and tells me I shouldn't be parked where I was as I was blocking the driveway, I said if I see a car come up behind me I move. Well she says she cannot get in the driveway and then tells me I shouldn't drive up the exit.

I agree I shouldn't do it but only do it when there are no other cars around, I then say we all do things we shouldn't, like she shouldn't have driven down the footpath in order to drive in the exit because it there were other cars in the entry. Yes she drove down the footpath.

After I said that her attitude changed and she said yes I know we all do things we shouldn't, I was glad that I had seen her do what she did, also she could be booked for driving on the footpath what I did was wrong but not illegal as I was on private property.

So this morning I didn't go the short way I want the long way round, as in the normal way and when Leo asked why I did that and I told him about yesterday he said don't worry about that nanna you continue to go the other way because you don't do it when other cars are around.


  1. Like I have said this week, Karma can be quite entertaining...

  2. Sometimes we have people pointing out our faults. It is good that we have the right attitude to receive them, whether right or wrong. Have a beautiful weekend!

  3. You do you hone, just be safe. :)

    As for me, I'd always go the long way... I'm too much of a rule follower...

  4. Christ.........Yes karma can be

    Nancy..........Yes I didn't get upset, I knew I did wrong

    Juli...........Yeah I was in the wrong but we all do things we shouldn't at times


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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