Monday, 17 September 2018

Did you know No: 22

Here I am at another Monday and this Monday sees the return of Did You Know Monday, it is a somewhat cold Monday, I just had to go and change into track pants as my legs were cold. I did my aqua class this morning it went ok I was in a lot of pain though with my arm and knees. Anyway here is today's facts.

On New Year's Day in 1907 American president Theodore Roosevelt shook hands with 8,513 people.

There are 1,040 islands around Britain one of which is Bishop's Rock, the smallest island in the world.

If you are involved in a car accident your chances of getting hurt are only one in ten but if you are on a motorbike it's nine out of ten.

Mickey Mouse's birthday is considered to be 18th November 1928, which is when Steamboat Willy debut.

Spiders make their silk by excreting a polymer and then stretching it very quickly, this stretching creates single , aligned, crystallised solid molecules.


  1. I always like these posts. :)
    Hope you feel better.

  2. I always learn a lot. Hope you feel better. sandie

  3. Hi Jo-Ann - it's always interesting to see these ... but could I say I understand that Britain has over 6,000 islands ... I wrote about them in the A-Z of 2014 ... not to worry. Bishop's Rock is a guide for shipping coming over the Atlantic Ocean ... and is the smallest island with a building on it - a lighthouse. Thanks for reminding me about it ... and for the Cornish connection - cheers Hilary

  4. I'm moving to Bishop's Rock... if it has a Maccas...

  5. Rita.......I am glad you like the posts, still have pain in the arm

    Chatty.....I am ok I get up each day no matter how I am feeling

    Rick.......Yeah feels like it at times

    Hilary......I thought the number was too low but went with what was in the book, nice to know the correct number

    Chris......I doubt they have Maccas

  6. Glad things are going all right for you. Love all the different facts. You have a super evening.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....