Thursday, 6 September 2018

A train ride

We ended our time in Beijing with a train ride to Shanghai we took the Bullet Train and the trip was smooth and enjoyable. However, when we first read about the train ride I said to Tim that I didn't think it was the type of train that he thought it was.

He thought the train ran on on magnets and was faster then it was, he kept saying it was the fastest train in the world but I knew it wasn't.

I tried to explain to him that the train he was thinking of was the Maglev train but he thought I knew nothing, the Maglev train is powered by electromagnetism and is suspended in air when running and is faster then then the bullet train.

The bullet train we caught sounded like it was running on tracks but I might be wrong about that. We spent 6hrs on the bullet train at an average speed of 303kph.

We could have gone for a ride on the Maglev train it cost $29 per person for a 15 minute return trip, I couldn't see the point. The top speed of the Maglev train is 431kph.


  1. Wow that seems like a blast!I would love to do it! sandie

  2. It must have been a wonderful experience riding in a train travelling at such a high speed.

  3. I’d love to visit China. Those trains sound like a hoot.

  4. Hi Jo-Anne - fascinating to have been able to take the train - what a speed though ... I guess large country, lots of space ... thinking about that for England makes my heart go a-wandering! Cheers Hilary

  5. Did I get that right? A trip on the bullet train that took 6 hrs took 15 minutes on the Maglev?

  6. Wow, I have been living under a rock with smoke all around - I had no idea you took a trip to Beijing. Wow and that bullet train sounds amazing.

    Here in California, they are working on a bullet train. I'll be dead by the time it is up and running. LOL

    Another tidbit - with all our smoke, I heard our air quality lately has been worse than Beijing!

  7. Dear Jo-Anne, I can't imagine going that fast on either train! With Meniere's Disease I wonder if I'd have an acute rotational episode while doing it.

    The thing is--did you enjoy the ride and would you do it again?

    It must be so intriguing to see China. Peace.

  8. Chatty..........It was I enjoyed it

    Nancy...........It was indeed

    Rick...........It was

    Hilary.........We need a fast train here in Aus who knows maybe one day

    Chris..........The bullet train was between Beijing & Shanghai the Maglev train was in Shanghai from a station to the airport only it was a 7.30 minute ride each way

    Debby.........The air quality in Beijing while we were there was good,the tour guide said it is good most days nowadays.

    Dee...........The train didn't feel like it was going that fast just felt like a normal train ride


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